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  1. xombie

    Watt per gram per veg time ??

    Ok, so after figuring out how wpg generally works as an estimate.. Now I'm still pretty offput about how long to veg for. Does it matter if I veg longer if my lights are weak?
  2. xombie

    Mainline grows like clone

    Hey, is this normal? Was looking to top more but half the plant is growing like a clone. As in the growth nodes are uneven.. Should I still top??
  3. xombie

    Too lanky to flower??

    Should I top a bit more? Manifolded and only topped once on each side. I kinda want to veg longer but I'm afraid she's too stringly as it is. Think it's ok to wait? I want to get a half lb from her so I'm looking for advice, i don't mind waiting at all, in fact I almost have to.
  4. xombie

    Yield estimates?

    Wondering if anyone has any idea from experience what sort of yield this is looking like? 3 plants, 200w actual led, 2x2x4 tent
  5. xombie

    Clone leaf taking a turn.. Literally

    Umm... What?? Lol what's going on here, don't mind the soil or the white stuff, really don't think that's the issue here.
  6. xombie

    Freezeing pollen

    Can I just freeze the pollen sacs or do I have to remove the pollen first and mix in flour n all that jazz..
  7. xombie

    100w v2 hlg anyone flower with it?

    I'm wondering if anyone has used the 3000k to flower? Curious about yields, I'm not sure how I want my setup .
  8. xombie

    Anybody know what strains I've got?

    Just wondering, it's 2 different bagseed, trying to figure out what I have. Too soon to really tell? Thanks!
  9. xombie

    Should I consolidate?

    I have a 95w 4000k garage light, a 100w 600 equivalent Wills led blurple, and 2 26w 3000k home Depot led bulbs. I have 3 flowering ladies. Should I move them to my 2*2*4 to finish and turn my bigger tent into a veg room? I just ordered an hlg 100w v2, I'm wondering if I should put my 3 flowering...
  10. xombie

    Nanners.. how long do I have?

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me how soon these guys are gonna pop? I want to collect the pollen but my space is limited so I'm wondering if I can remove the stalks and put them in a bag to collect somewhere else?? It only looks like a few are big enough to hold pollen but I don't want to...
  11. xombie


    How the hell did this giant cricket get into my clone room!? Just saying, anything can happen lol this guy was not in my soil, 100% sure, and I live on the second floor in my house.. maybe he was an egg in the soil but I bought indoor soil and I don't think they lie dormant but I could be wrong...
  12. xombie

    New clones flowering.. Continue?

    Im not sure if I should transplant and flower them out or reveg them.. I heard monstercrop yields are low but I doubt they're lower than a plant without roots.. Any opinions??
  13. xombie

    Day 1 flower

    First pistils showing today! Got 4 plants in there but so far just the 1 starting. I'll add details I just wanted to get the thread started
  14. xombie

    Yellowing leaves on new clone

    It looks like there's new growth but I'm not sure if the yellow is it dying or sucking nutes for new growth.. Any idea?
  15. xombie

    What bug is this?

    Any idea? It flew away as I went to spray some Dr. Earth final stop.
  16. xombie

    Diatomaceous earth and watering

    Can I water my plants through the DE without it hurting the plants or should I move it off and replace it after watering. Also, any idea what would leave a red substance on it? I wanna say it's blood but it's a lot. A little to the left side and a big bit up front.
  17. xombie

    Cloning a topped top as it appears

    Sup, I did a quick search and kept seeing stuff about cloning a topped top. They always referred to a single stem and I'm looking for insight on experiences with taking the whole topped top, per my picture. I'm pretty sure mine is alive, but I really can't tell.. Been 2 days and I had it in a...
  18. xombie

    How much damage does lowering watts do?

    Sup.. So I'm trying to get some insight on something. Some plants were receiving more light in the first couple weeks and then given a bit less but still an adequate amount to grow. I figured they would maybe stretch a bit but I think instead they're trying to produce more growth spots asap...
  19. xombie

    Why are there holes in my leaves?

    Any ideas without a million questions? Havn't checked my ph but it's been varied. Lights have been varied, soil has varied, airflow and temps and humidity have varied, lights have varied, fed with superthrive, vinegar, h202, mainly distilled water but i mixed in some spring to raise the ph a...
  20. xombie

    Yellow, rigid, twisted new growth
