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  1. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    Hey guys. Ive been at this for a couple years, seen a few problems here and there. This year its gnats. I discovered a week ago my tops yellowing and ive been giving regular weekly feedings of nutes. so investigated closer and discovered these flying ant looking things all over my plants. Ive...
  2. derr

    Newby with molasses

    I grabbed a cheap carton of mollases at the store with the thought of trying in my grow. Its a Presidents Choice Fancy Molasses and the ingrediants says only fancy molasses. Will this work? Ive read that I dont want molasses with sulpher in it, does anyone know if this is good to use ? Thanks
  3. derr

    I have one plant that has yet to flower, Outdoor grow

    I have a few plants outside and 2 that are the same strain (unknown) are flowering now. Coming along quite nicely too. But then my biggest one is a Purple Kush and it has huge calyxes growing but its still vegging. No pistils have popped out anywhere, just calyxes all over some really long. Is...
  4. derr

    Advice please !! :)

    So i have 3 plants outside in pots. I have each pot on top of sand to keep slugs away. I noticed a few days ago the roots were coming out of my drains holes and growing into the sand, and possibly the ground. I noticed it when i lifted the pots, it hear some ripping sound and looked. So i just...
  5. derr

    Will it bang out pistils, or bust a load of pollen?? Advice

    Just found these 2 "calyxs's" ? Are they looking more like female pistil holders or balls? to me they look very oval. This is my first sign out of 3 plants, so im very excited :) sorry for my lack of proper lingo. Thanks in advance everyone
  6. derr

    Outdoor issue. Slugs trying to eat my plants.

    They already got a few entire leaves off, and i, finding 1-3 under each pot out side. How can I stop the bastards, my funds are low but I do not wanna see this nightmare continue any help is appreciated. I did read up in copper and ash. Does copper pennies around the base work, and can...
  7. derr

    Wierd growth appearing at the base of my babys stem

    I found this odd round growing out of the stem base of my seedling. Anyone know what it is ? Good bad? Should i pull it out or off? It almost looks as if its growing out from the stem. Should i just toss the seedling because its with other healthy babys. Please help, Thanks for any replys
  8. derr

    Ive encountered something odd with my seedling

    So ive sprouted about 7 seedlings 1 week old and all doing well. this one here is a litle bit behind though due to the seed staying on the top. Ive been inspecting it closely and where the first true leaves should be spouting and it looks as if they are balls. its help to zoom a bit . All the...