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  1. B

    Final Questions before I Flower

    Im 3 weeks into vegging and theyre about 9 inches tall and lookin strong. Im gonna give them one more week to veg then probably flower at around 12 inches. My final questions are A. Right now they are in one gallon milk jug's, should I transplant them into 2 gallon pots (only if its esential...
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    What to expect

    I cannot use HPS due to spacing/over heating issues. I can only use CPL, and im growing 3 plants. Ima flower at around 14 inches. What yield can I expect with just CPL? Ive heard of high yield with CPL....
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    Stretching Plants...

    My plants are about 1 and a half weeks to two weeks old, but they seem to be stretching out a this because I have to keep unplugging my light?
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    Quick flowering

    Widow you said that with clones you could flower after probably around 1 week after they have pretty solid roots. What do you think the DRYED yeild off that would be?
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    Two Questions

    Ok so my plants are about a week old and two of them have small brown spots on the tip of the leaves...what could this be? Over watering? Overheating? The other question is when do I start using fertalizer? And i dont understand the PPM system....
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    Small Brown Spots

    I'm about a week into growing, and I'm getting a small brown spot on two of my plants. Im thinking that its probably over soon..any suggestions at to what it could be?
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    First Grow

    Hey guys this is my first grow. I have 5 plants in normal clear party cups with holes in them for airation (im poor). Im using a 45 Watt florescent (but its equivalent to a 125 watt) and plan on getting another one once the plants get bigger. Im using miracle grow potting soil. I plan on...
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    Flowering Period

    Online in at sites for seeds when it says flowering period 8-10 weeks does it mean time you let veg before flowering? Or total time it takes to grow?
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    Need Help On Lighting

    Ok I'm kinda new to the growing game and I need some advice about lighting. I have two 42watt floresents. Since I'm starting late indoors, but its in a shed without heat I wanna grow it and try to get it to mature asap. I dont know what hours to use. 12/12? 24 for 2-3 weeks then try to...