Search results

  1. Dan Drews

    French Dipwad trains bees to process cannabis resin into psychoactive honey

    I'm posting this in 'Outdoor Growing' for the obvious reason that we could all someday find our buds being robbed by StonerBees - Read the article, it's short. If you buy the premise, you buy the bit. In a nutshell, this...
  2. Dan Drews

    Jesus Tapdancing Christ that's a big spider

    Went out to water and found the biggest freakin spider I've ever seen in California. Turns out it's a female black and yellow Garden Spider. I shit you not, the body was over an 1 1/4" in length and the legs tip to top over 2". I've never seen these anywhere I've lived in California but from...
  3. Dan Drews

    Can year old nutes cause yellowing on new growth?

    I'm growing a cutting of Girl Scout Cookies that I planted outdoors about 2 weeks ago. Everything was going well so I topped the plant (about 12" tall) on Monday evening and by the next day all the new growth started turning yellow. All the older fan leaves are still dark green and there doesn't...
  4. Dan Drews

    Are crunchy, crusty buds OK or a sign of mildew?

    Hey all, sorry for the question but I haven't found an answer anywhere. We had a little rain here in Sonoma County, CA a week ago and I harvested 1/2 a Purple Urkel before the shower, and the other half a couple days after the rain shower. The buds that were harvested after it rained dried for...