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    DP AutoUltimate outdoor in Ireland?

    Hi, I want to do an outdoor grow this year in Ireland and I'm wondering if anyone has any info on this particular strain? Is it mold resistant? Able for the crazy weather? If not could you kindly recommend another strain? Also any tips you could give me when it comes to growing in Ireland? Thank you

    Portable grow?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to grow with batteries or something along those lines? I have the perfect stealthy location but unfortunately no easy way to access electricity. There are no sockets nearby and I can't have a 100m extension cable running across the yard. Honestly I...

    Autos, Yay or Nay?

    Hi, I was wondering whats the general consensus on autoflowering plants. Should I bother? If so, what strain? Is there a big difference between normal weed and auto-weed? Pros? Cons? So on, so on. GetRekt

    Ideas for stealth design and setup

    Hi, I have been playing around with the idea to grow my own weed for a while now and have spent the last 2 months reading and learning on this site and across the internet. It recently came to my attention that it would be no harm in looking for help on this as my 2 months is nothing to most...