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  1. bokedoki

    New grow, new genetics (for the most part)

    those of you who chimed in on my last post will know how i got fucked from spider mites about a month ago. as for that they are long gone and lost some good shit to them.... however I just received my latest order from the tude and I popped. 2 serious happiness, 2 dinafem amnesia haze, 2 dinafem...
  2. bokedoki

    Purple haze seeds from 1960

    My friend found 20 original purple haze seeds from the original woodstock going through his parents old stuff, inside an old film container.... and 10 columbian gold and gave them to me... how should I go about trying to germinate these?!?! Im going to be pumped if I can get at least 1 or 2 to...
  3. bokedoki

    just harvested some amnesia strawberry amnesia

    after curing for about a week i have just smoked a joint of this lovely plant, and i am very delighted with the results! Dinafem always seems to impress with their shit! anyone whos looking for a good sativa that isnt so racey but also gets you high this strain is at+ i feel like i could do...
  4. bokedoki

    Due to spider mites ordering all new seeds

    Well after some shit luck ive decided to order new seeds. I got some in my library but it's time for more.... I am looking for a strain to grow for commercial use and good quality still. And a strain to grow for personal use with crazy quality. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Please...
  5. bokedoki


    noticed some a few days ago and figured i could get away with tossing the few small girls. today i go in the room and they are on another one of my strawberry bananas.... i need to get rid of these little fuckers ASAP before it fucks everything else.... INPUT ASAP please.... need to get this...
  6. bokedoki

    Barneys farm critical kush 4 cotelyn seeding

    Lemme know what you guys think. Possibly a triploid? Will upload in a sec
  7. bokedoki

    Dinafem purple afghan kush

    Got a freebie of it from the tude. Was the first to crack out of everything in less then 24 hours... just finished up 4 plants under 600w and I got a little under an lb. They were all dinafem. Mothered all of them. Bubba og and ww. Awesome Smoke glad I chose dinafem. New batch is barneys farm...
  8. bokedoki

    Chop them or put back under light *lmk asap*

    My 2 dinafem white widdows on day 55 I put them in the dark this will be the 4th day and I checked on them looking nice but for some reason they don't look quite ready.... should I chop them leave them for another couple days or put them back under light? I checked the trichs there's a lot of...
  9. bokedoki

    Hygrometer advice

    So I'm going to order 4 hygrometers. Pretty sure I have my mind made up with calibur III off amazon. Any advice? Any better deals? Advice appreciated!! I want to make sure I have the smoothest cure possible.
  10. bokedoki

    all dinafem

    Front left is bubba front right is og kush. Two back are white widdow. About 35 days left excited for this harvest! Let me know what you guys think.
  11. bokedoki

    forgot about this clone and look!

    check it out about a week or 2 I clipped 50 clones. Didn't have enough Rockwool so I put it in my window sill in a coffee mug and forgot about it. Roots all over I was amazed I did literally nothing but forget about it!!! Was very pleased. Just figured I'd share it. This bubba kush I have is a...
  12. bokedoki

    delete me

    delete me
  13. bokedoki

    need help asap

    Hate to cross thread but nobody is looking at my post... it's sick clones and seedlings post. Please help! I posted pics.
  14. bokedoki

    sick clones and seedlings

    Any ideas? Just transplanted into promix and fed them so hopefully they correct themselves.
  15. bokedoki

    blue cheese auto and fruit auto dinafem

    Just germed 1 bc auto and one fruit auto... both by dinafem... anyone ever grow these? I also got some photos from dinafem germinating... pretty excited this will be my first time trying autos. Will post pics once they sprout!
  16. bokedoki

    move clones from bubble cloner to rockwool?

    Hey I have clones in a bubble cloner for a week and no sign of roots... I held off on rockwool because I didn't have ph down but now I do... should I move them or wait a few more days? I'll upload a picture when I get home. Also I heard it doesn't matter how wet your rockwool gets if you have an...
  17. bokedoki

    sick white widdow?

    I think it's getting better... I gave my other plants the same mixture including another white widdow and all are fine besides this one... any ideas?
  18. bokedoki

    plant beginning lateral growth on its own?

    Got four going at the moment... 2 white widdow 1 bubba kush and one og kush.. og is growing very bushy.... it looks like I topped the plant but I haven't even touched it... theyre all from dinafem. I've never had a plant do this on its own without topping methods ect so I'm curious? Very...
  19. bokedoki

    What strain could this be?

    This strain was one of 5 possible... sour diesel... kush and the other 3 unknown because it was a friend if a friend but good genetics... anyone have an idea what this is? I was thinking maybe a kush but it flowered for a while longer and and had sativa characteristics with thin leaves so now...
  20. bokedoki

    400w mh/hps closet grow need advice

    not my first grow but would like advice. I will be growing in a walk in closet about 6ft x 6ft maybe a bit bigger... i have some dinafem seeds on the way here... critical + 2.0, white widow, bubba kush, and og kush i got all the seeds in packs of 3 except the og, because i wanted more. ive been...