Search results

  1. Maat Aatack

    Nectar for the Gods and irrigation system

    Hello growers, Recently got turned on to Nectar for the Gods (NFTG) Herculean Harvest about 3 weeks to go before chop as well as some flushing applications in my veg room. I was impressed with the results and am contemplating trying a full run of it. In talking to the rep about my setup, he...
  2. Maat Aatack

    Reveg-->Clone question

    Right, so I got her to re-enter veg, but I'm wondering when I can take clones from her.
  3. Maat Aatack

    To Much Veg...

    hi all, I've got myself into a bit of a mess here. Just flipped some plants over to the flower room after a longer than expected veg time. I'm afraid that if I let them go they will get too tall. What would the best thing for me to do be? Major prune, lst, supercrop? Any ideas would be...
  4. Maat Aatack

    5gal dwc mader

    It's quite the beast this thing is, and I'm impressed with the hydroponic thing. So the setup is natural light in a 5gal with a bubbler stone. Gets lots of light and goes through 10 gallons in a few days (one feed and one top off). I don't have a ppm meter, so I'm doing a complete water change...
  5. Maat Aatack

    Difficult Strains?

    Just returning to the grow scene, I chose an "easy to cultivate" strain. My question is: what makes a strain more difficult to grow than others?
  6. Maat Aatack

    When to switch nute program?

    Just wondering when the flowering cycle officially begins and the transition phase is over?
  7. Maat Aatack

    Makeshift Everything!

    Im suprised how fun it is to have to adapt and learn one's own growing environment. I'm also enjoying designing things out of stuff laying around the house and other home-wares. I'd like to use this thread to see the things other growers on the forum have designed in order to adapt to their own...
  8. Maat Aatack

    Put on the green light...

    Is it true that you can use a green light in the flowering room to work without disturbing the flowering response?
  9. Maat Aatack

    The Nighttime Wilt

    Anybody else notice their plants wilt at the beginnings of the nighttime cycle? I've seen it in both indoor and outdoor plants, and would be interested to hear if anybody has the reason for it happening.
  10. Maat Aatack

    Fan quit!! Help!

    Does anybody know if the can fan motors have thermal reset buttons?
  11. Maat Aatack

    1st Grow in a while

    Hello hello community. I wanted to share this grow because I would like to try to give back since i have gained much from the people and information you all present in these great forums. Like I said it's been a while, but I have been growing on and off for the past 25 years or so. Most of my...
  12. Maat Aatack

    Hello, thank you and things

    Hey o/ Just had my local grow store suggest coming around here. I'm putting my first rooms together and look forward to getting guidance to produce a quality crop. Going for passive intake in an 8x13x8 room... Kinda stuck on lighting but know I don't want to put glass in front of my bulbs. Any...
  13. Maat Aatack

    Want Gavita Pro 1000

    my 8'x13'x8' room is in a basement, not sealed and will rely on active air exchange for cooling a maximum of 3 lights. I plan on doing a s.o.g. or some sort of active training of the stems. Question one: is it possible to use these lights in this arrangement? Question 2: what would be the best...