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  1. D

    Nutrient Charts / what brands & amounts

    Im curious to what other people are using for there nutirents. The amounts of each different nutrient and there total PPM for each week of the cycle. I was using the General Hydroponics Flora Series, with flora licious, florablend, and liquid cool bloom. I mixed it according to the manufacturers...
  2. D

    Clone Machines / need some info

    I got a 165 site clone machine. Should the pump be on all the time or set up to be on and off with a timer ? What kind of water and solutions work best ? Humid dome on or off ? how far with lights and what kind ? Thanks everyone,,, I have had the worst luck cloning, sometimes they all...
  3. D

    Anyone using and aeroflo system

    Hello all. I have an aeroflo system,, a 72 unit system that I copied and made myself and have running at my friends house in his basement. 40 gallon resevoir with a 1280 submersable pump. We got some clones from a friend (hash plant) and made 3 mothers and put the rest into the system. 8' x...
  4. D

    Why are my clones dying

    I have a 165 site clone machine at my buddies house. I filled it with clones, and now a week later all the stems inside the clone machine have turned to mush. The last batch we took was about a 98% success rate. We use distilled water, mild veg nutes, about 200 ppm of flora nova, and ph between...
  5. D

    Regenerating A Plant ???

    I have some plants here that are about 6 feet tall. Im going to be taking the buds off the top two feet of the plant, and was going to lower the lights down to the less mature buds for a week or two, and try to get the buds a little bigger. Is this the right thing for me to do,, or should I take...
  6. D

    Seemore,, why dont my clones live

    I watched the Seemore buds videos, and a couple others, and read a couple books,,, and I cant get my clones to root or live,, well, actually, about 1 in 20 lives... This is killing me here,,, I want to try and do more plants with these females I finally got to grow, and the clones are not...