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  1. SSG_Ranger

    Im pretty baked, but

    Has anyone ever got a string of those big (like outside of your house) LED christmas lights and done some light measurements on them to see if they would work as grow lights?
  2. SSG_Ranger

    Overpressure Venting

    OK, here is what I have.. I have an indoor swimming pool, with and sub room for my filter and heater for the pool. This sub room already has a 1'x1' box vent to the outside. I am considering using the vent setup I already have for my grow room that is currently in my garage, basically put an...
  3. SSG_Ranger

    Silly ass question

    OK, way back when I was young (we are talking pre-bud days), we used to get chunks of dry ice, put them in a can of water and let the fog that came out flow down over our plants. Our thinking at the time was that plants "Breath" Carbon Dioxide, the fog from the dry ice was pure Carbon Dioxide...