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    ready to harvest need help

    Hi just wanted to know if these are ready for harvest indica strain been in 51days or more tricomes look half milky half cloudy
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    ready to harvest tricome pics ????

    Im hoping that sombody can help me i wanted to know when to harvest for max thc indica strain 7/8weeks on 49th day at the min thanks
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    can anybody help when she is ready ???

    Do my mates plants look ready ?? Will upload pics once get replys
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    ready for harvest ??? need help

    Hi my mate wanted to know if these are ready for harvest he is going to do a 5day flush thanks
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    7 week strain need help when do i start to flush

    Hi just wanted to know when i should start to flush 7week strain canna coco medium canna a+b boost would i need to flush on 5th week for 2weeks ??? And woukd be ready thanks
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    incredible bulk how long to veg from seed ????

    Hi all juat wanted to now how long to veg from seed befor switch how tall / how old
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    need help ASAP??????

    Hi i my plants have been in flower for 1 week and sum of my leafs tips are goin yellow and sum curling down on tip somebody says its nute burn ? I dont check my ph but i have just orderd 1 and ph up and down im on coco A+B 25ml for 10litre think that is to much and boost 25ml need help andinfo...
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    need help with ph problems

    Hi just wanted to kno what level should be im at 6.9 but i think that is to much for my medium as its not soil i got it from thr hydro shop it came in 40l bag and looks same as coco and has few pebles in it like a mix i have little brown spots on my bottom leaves is that the problem ...
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    when to flower from seed how many weeks

    Hi all i just wanted to know i have 10x incredible bulk seeds they are around 3/4weeks from seeds i just wanted to know how long do i veg for to get a good yeild maybe 2/3oz a plant i was thinking 4 more weeks from this pic ???
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    problems with my plants leaves

    hi just wanted to knownif ther is anyfing wrong with my plant ie leaves have little spots onl
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    what could my 9x lemon yeild 3weeks veg

    Hi i have 9x lemon week 3 in veg from clone im growing in coco premix in 10litre pots feeding every 3days i have supercropped them under 2x 600watts hps just wanted to know if all goes well what do people think i could yeild after the 7weeks flower thanks
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    topping plants need help

    Hi just wanted to know i have 10x incredible bulk seeds have around 3weeks from seed i have herd you could topping a plant would this give a better yeild ?? I have never topped befor
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    how many plants under hps 600w

    Hi just wanted to know the best outcome of having plants- under hps 600w how many i have 10 under 2xhps 600watts is that ok and would i give me better yeild of 2 rather then 1 thanks
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    growing incredible bulk anyone grown it

    Just wanted to see if anyone could help i have 10x incredible bulk from seeds first time growing from seeds poping and planting them they have been in just under 14days they are in 10l pots and feed them water /nutes every 3 days or less i went to the shop to get soil i was goin for coco plus...
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    how tall do you need to veg a plant from clone befor flowering

    im 3weeks into veg from clone and just wanted to know how tall should i grow my plant so i can flower thank My plants about 20inch atm
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    need help overfeeding

    Hi i think i am overfeeding my plants im in 10liter pots and feed with water/nutes everyday im in week 4 now into veg and last night my plants went all limp and look as they was goin to die so i put water and nutes in and then next day they looked fine but not full of life as befor could sombody...
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    problems with plants /wilting

    Hi all im am new to this i have been in veg for 3 weeks now and in 10liter pots im feeding with water/nutes everyday i was told to try leave them 2/3days befor next feed and them they started to wilt like they was dieing can anyone help and how do i upload pics