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  1. Xeryous

    Help me decide what to grow now.

    Help wanted here...Last week I ordered a batch of Nirvana's lemon og haze, seedsman's white widow and Humboldt's bubba kush, never tried any of these and only have room for two grows . So, which would you grow first? BTW I'm currently on week two of flowering my last northern lights grow :bigjoint:
  2. Xeryous

    Just sharing

    Isn't she beautiful? Love Is in the air. 6 weeks old, Nirvana's NL started from seed, On a Soil + coco + perlite + worm casting substrate in 2.5lt pot, under a 270w ufo led.
  3. Xeryous

    Northern Lights under 270w ufo led

    Just sharing my Northern Lights under 270w ufo led, soil and organic ferts, 1 month of flowering ...
  4. Xeryous

    Saturday night smoke

    Preparing to enjoy my last NL harvest ... So fruity, so special... Plus Netflix, sex w/ wifey and ramen munchie . Life is good!!! . Can't understand why all this is considered illegal .
  5. Xeryous

    Smoke Report: My very first NL auto grow!!!

    Hi everybody, it's march and last night I enjoyed my first grow after 4 months of several up and downs. for sure next time will be better, but man, let me tell you...nothing like smoking your own grow. My Northern Light auto is fruity (smell like rose apple), intense , light to the throat and...
  6. Xeryous

    Seed storage

    Hi, which is the best way to keep my seeds alive as long as 6 months? I bought four seeds, planted two, both germinated and they are almost ready to harvest. Im planning to germinate the other two at the end of the year. Thanks in advance!!!
  7. Xeryous

    Hydrogalaxy 250w + Northern Lights Auto Early Vegetative

    Here 's my 2 weeks NL auto under a 250w UFO Led... This time I think I set up an environment which my plant likes.. What do you think? How does she looks? Using - Orgánic Soil Mix (2 galloon plastic pot) - 20% perlite - 5% coco coir - Bottled water (sprayed the soil just a little bit every two...
  8. Xeryous

    My first DIY Carbon Filter

    just wanted to share my new DIY carbon filter as seen in I'm using a 100CFM 12w VenTech inside my humble 1.5'x1.5'x4' and It's working as fine as expected! (:
  9. Xeryous

    My Northern Light Auto transplant, 1 week old

    Hi everybody, I just wanted to show you how my NL is doing... It's sunday so I have time ;-) and I decided to transplant her to its final destination, I know it's soon but I've read Autos perform better when planted right away in its medium; I germinated her in a jilly cup so I decided to...
  10. Xeryous

    Is 30 ~ 31 celcius ok?

    I live in a humid warm area in the tropics . Im growing a little NL inside a homemade growbox that sometimes reach 31 celcius. Do you think this can be a problem ? Thanks in advance...
  11. Xeryous

    Best germination method, soil or papel towel ?

    Hi, In your opinion, which germination method is the best ? paper towel or directly in soil, I've read diferrent opinions... my strain is northern light auto from Nirvana. they say soil ( In my short experience (bagseed...
  12. Xeryous

    Got my seeds today!

    Today I received my Nirvana's Northern Lights Auto from Seedsman !!! I placed the order Sep 13, took less than a month! I cannot wait to germinate these girls, they looks so beautiful!!!!. Hope you guys can help me in first serious grow. Also let me tell that I'm impressed about the stealth...
  13. Xeryous

    Transplanting my first Grow...

    Hi , this is my third seedbag attemp, my first quality seeds are on its way... This time I'm using Coco mixed with 5% perlite and 20% worm organic mix ... I transplanted them yesterday and this morning they are looking healthy.... What do you think ? My idea is use this baby to learn the...
  14. Xeryous

    Hi Everybody!!!!

    Hi!!! Im super new to growing, I just ordered my first seeds and bought a 250w UFO Led, I'm very interested in learning how to mantain my cabinet as stealth as possible and confortable for my plants... I know this community will help me.