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  1. N

    Can you have a MJ plant thats 20 years old... thats right people...20 YEARS OLD!!!!

    i'm asking because, it just hit me that a guy i met years ago told me a story about a plant being 20 years old and it was being used in a university for studies and medical treatment... and the whole plant was covered with crystals and it was like 500 dollars a gram and one hit would knock you...
  2. N

    How long is TOO LONG, for vegging

    i was just wondering, how long is too long... are there consequences to vegging for MONTHS... i mean MOOOONNNTHHSSSS... ha...starting to think one of my plants is starting to look like me... its been living with me forever... bastard need to go get a job or something...ha... but seriously...
  3. N

    Instead Of White Paint, Mylar, White Paper, Aluminum Foil, how about Duct Tape

    i was working on a PC setup and i was putting strips of duct tape along the width of the case so i can easily glue the white paper onto the back of the duct tape... but when i was finishing applying the strips, i noticed the back of the duct tape seem to reflect and what some people on here say...
  4. N

    what are the signs of magnesium deficiency

    i was just wondering, just in case i run into this problem... i don't want to mistake it for something else and end up doing something wrong.... what are the signs of magnesium deficiency
  5. N

    If you use CFL's, The companies might be tricking you...Look Inside

    ok.... not to long ago i bought a couple of 30w CFL's daylight..... after that i went on the internet to look to see if that company had bulbs in a higher wattage.... but i noticed their K for daylight was 5000.... no i didn't misread it people.... i went on numerous sites that sells their...
  6. N

    Ahem!!! EXCUSE ME!!! something u should know about starting your seeds in Miracle Gro

    many people do have problems starting their seeds in Miracle Gro or killing their seedlings in Miracle Gro.... truth is...its your fault...haha but seriously...i noticed Miracle Gro has soil called "Miracle Gro seed starting pot mix"... so that may help you Miracle Gro challenged people...
  7. N

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    this thread is for all the people who uses MG and don't get their panties all up in a bunch.... instead of hearing, waaaah waahhhh.... my plant burn.... i hate you MG....wahhhhh wahhhh ummmmm, how about not overwatering (prevents burning... and why the hell are you overwatering anyway...
  8. N

    Instead of Bottled Water, PH strips and PH Meters/Readers...Heres What YOU Can Do

    Use rain water.... snow or hail.... whatever.... once it starts to fall out of the sky, just throw a bucket outside to catch the water/snow/hail... and that water is just as good as bottled water or whatever yall use i know this isn't a big addition to your knowledge... but i figured it...
  9. N

    ALERT!! ALERT!! ALERT!! JoJoLuver33 is a COP

    i posted up a thread asking a question about colas and he responds by saying in 2009 they will be closing on houses with indoor grows and at the end of says Officer Alfred Gomez.... what i don't understand is why Officer Alfred Gomez has pics on here showing his growbox and asking for help...
  10. N

    what is a cola? can i cut all the branches off and just grow a cola?

    what is a cola? i'm not even sure if i'm spelling it correctly.... but i saw someone post a pic and i was wondering...if i can just grow these instead? due to my space....and the size of the cola the guy had.. i was wondering if this would be a good thing to focus on... grow like 10 colas...
  11. N

    What is Indica? What is Sativa? I bet you don't know

    what is the difference between the two? how can you tell? does one grow taller than the other or is that depending on your grow strategy?
  12. N

    This is Sick...Panhead told me something that all of you should beware of

    so i asked Panhead... what are hermies.. cuz i'm curious... so he went into this whole story about how he took his plant out on a date and she was getting frisky...blah blah blah.... so he went to grab something (i don't know what he was looking for on a plant)... and he grabbed balls...
  13. N

    wut are hermies..... do i want one? Y not? it sounds like herpes..i don't like herpes

    so..... ummmm... :wall: what is it :dunce:
  14. N

    i want to bend my plants NOWWWWW

    i'm only 3 weeks in.... i started all wrong i admit... i couldn't wait so i started off with incandescents and now i have CFL's.... due to the incandescents i had stratching issues and also my plants went through a little shock by not being transplanted in time.... anyways... that problem is...
  15. N

    Want To Cross Breed Plants... Is It Possible? Male Haze With Female Bagseed?

    i have one haze seed... and of course, i don't know what its going to be... but the question is.... if it comes out to be a male... instead of killing the male haze plant, can i use the pollen from it and get a bagseed plant pregnant to make a lower standard of haze seeds? i'm thinking it...
  16. N

    Planning To Keep Growth Short... Advice Required

    i have not started...i'm in the germinating process... but i noticed people saying the gene of the seeds are important when it comes to height... also lighting... truthfully, i'm just using bagseeds and want to keep the plants short... so lighting may leave me defenseless since the gene of the...
  17. N

    I Love This Site

    yeah man... this site makes me feel like a genius... i'm doing research, messing with wiring, figuring out the best capabilities within my means, solving problems... i think i might cry.... umm.........excuse me
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    LightBulbs Keeps Blowing Out

    ok... this is the idea... screw lightbulb into a Y splitter... Y splitter into a socket.... socket wired to a plug.... when i plug it in... KABLOOM... well its not a KABLOOM.. but you know what i'm keeps blowing out.... Y-splitter says 660W and 250 V... the socket says 660 W...