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  1. HamGreasy


    So without knowing what monster cropping was, i clipped a flowering clone for fun off of one of my snowcap plants. I stuck the cutting in water for 2 weeks and noticed roots. Stuck the sucker in a solo cup with some FFOF, put it in my window and didn't give it any special treatment. Here it...
  2. HamGreasy

    quick dry, low heat, method that works in a bind!!!!!!

    So my weed guy has been MIA for the past 2 weeks and I've grown desperate. My crops are about 14 days from harvest but there are some smaller buds that appear to be ready to pluck. I snipped about 1/4 of an once of the plant that is more mature than my others. I let my oven get to about 120...
  3. HamGreasy

    Snowcap flowering time question

    I have 3 snowcap ladies from seed that are on day 51 of flower and still look like they need another 2 weeks. Seems like a long flowering time, anyone have any experience with this strain?
  4. HamGreasy

    Trimming lower bud clusters

    Would trimming lower bud clusters that are underachieving half way through flower help my main colas? Or would the stress outweigh the benefit?
  5. HamGreasy

    Found a couple of pollen sacs. Hermie question

    Found and destroyed what looked like 2 very immature pollen sacs I found growing where I topped one of my girls a few weeks earlier. She began to flower and is next to 2 other females who are also in early bud development. I was unable to find any additional pollen sacs anywhere else on the...
  6. HamGreasy

    Flowering with 5600k cfls? Has anyone tried this?

    How important is it to change from 5600k to say 2700k when transitioning from veg to flower? Will it make that big of a difference during flower?
  7. HamGreasy

    5 day old seedling growth light green. pics included

    5 day old seedling very bright green new growth. Something wrong?
  8. HamGreasy

    First grow. would like some good advice. pics included

    Hello all. I am currently in the first week of 5 seedlings from fem snowcap seeds. I plan on cutting that down to 3 plants and transplanting them into 3 gallon super root air pots. I have four 45 watt cfls(5600k) and two 15 watt 'pot wizard' LED lights. I am using happy frog soil mixed with...