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    Should I harvest this week?

    Milky and amber mix on trichomes. 90% milky 10% amber Strain: Do si do 15 weeks from seed; outdoor
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    First outdoor grow

    Trichomes on buds are milky no amber, sugar leaves are a mix of amber and milky trichomes. 15 weeks from seed. How much longer are you guys thinking?
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    I have a C99xblueberry fast strain going and need some input. Am I close to harvest day or should I be harvesting now?
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    Am I close to harvest?

    Just looking for some advice, I’ve attached pics. Want to know if I’m close to harvest or should be harvesting now. She’s a C99xblueberry fast strain
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    C99xblueberry FAST

    This is my C99xBlueberry Fast strain, she is currently 74 days from seed. I have a 300w led running on her 12/12. How much time can you estimate that she has left?
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    THC bomb grow

    So I started my thc bomb back in March/April and she's now flowering. I'm not sure how many weeks she is in her grow cycle and wanted to know if anyone could estimate how old she looks and how long she has left?
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    Lemon skunk 8 weeks flowering

    I have a lemon skunk 8 weeks into flowering, the bottom Bud site pistils have started browning yet the top has all white pistils. I know it's getting close to harvest so just needed some advice on how much longer I am looking forward to.