Search results

  1. Arkitecht

    USA based seed bank list

    Here is a list of USA based seed banks I've used with great results. Figured I would share. Feel free to add. (email and ask for list)
  2. Arkitecht

    Kosher Tangie few days from end wk 7.

  3. Arkitecht

    Best price on fabric pots?

    Hello! I normally purchase fabric pots on eBay somewhere around 1.5 - 2.5 dollars apiece (usually the vivo sun brand) depending on how cheap I can find them. I grow in Coco / 3gal pots. I normally use them a few times before they turn to shit. How and where do you all get your fabric pots?
  4. Arkitecht

    reflector covers?

    Was contemplating covering some of the air cooled reflectors with some sort of insulation to lower heat in room. What do others think about this? Waste of time? Or worth the effort? Maybe use insulated ducting as well or only? thanks for the replies.
  5. Arkitecht

    Curious as to what you all would do in this situation.

    Hello fellow growers. Question for you all. I've been wanting to try out one if those 315 LEC/CMH lights for a while now, and have decided to go for it. I'm curious as to what you all would do. My current setup is a 1000wHPS in a 4x4 for flower and a 600w MH for veg in a 3x3. The two options...
  6. Arkitecht

    My experience with Sannies Shop.

    Figured I would post my experience with Sannie's. The prices are really good and if you pay with cash, the prices are even better, which was the option I chose. Packed some cash in an envelope and sent it out. In a few days I got an email saying the $$ was received, nice that they let you know...
  7. Arkitecht

    Hello! Excited to be here!

    Hello everyone! Been a forum lurker for a long time. And today I decided to join one of the many places I've come to through the years. I'm excited to meet some people who have the same hobby that I do and learn/contribute to the forum as well. Little about me. I reside in Portland Oregon...