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  1. C

    First grow, what is my plant telling me?

    I'm growing an auto in soil and it's been flowering for 2-3 weeks now and is showing signs of something. The edges of the leaves are turning yellow and there are yellow/brown spots on some of them. Please let me know what you think is wrong. Thanks for the help.
  2. C

    Yellow spotted leaves?

    Help please! I'm growing an auto in soil. It's a couple weeks into flowering and some of the leaves are getting yellow/brownish spots on them. Does anyone know what is causing this? Thanks for the help!
  3. C

    Ripped leaves and whole branch falling off??

    My Auto is about 5 weeks into veg and yesterday I woke up to an entire branch detached from the plant and a rip in one of the fan leaves. I'm using a 45W LED above and two 14W cfls on the sides. Growing in soil in a 5 gallon pot. What could be the issue here? Thanks for the help.
  4. C

    Tips of leaves turning yellow?

    First time grower here. I just noticed the tips of the leaves on my AK47 auto turning yellow. I have her in a 5 gallon pot with biobizz light mix soil. She's about a month into veg and I last fed her about a week ago with a half dose of 6-4-4, so I don't think I burned her. Could it be a N...
  5. C

    A couple questions about my first grow

    I've been growing an AK47 Auto for about a month now. I'm running a 45W LED light and the plant is in a 5 gallon pot with Biobizz light mix soil. Question 1: The plant is getting pretty big now, but I find myself only watering once a week -- maybe even less than that. I water with 1 gallon...
  6. C

    Edges of leaves curling up? Help please

    I'm growing an AK47 Auto and she's about 2 weeks along. I noticed the edges of some of the leaves are starting to curl up. It looks like signs of heat stress, but my 45W LED produces VERY little heat and the temperature in my grow room never gets above 80 degrees. What other problems could be...
  7. C

    First Ever Grow - Super Newb

    I recently decided to try to start growing MJ and thought it would be interesting to record my progress. This is my first grow ever so any help and advice is much appreciated :). My super-newbie closet setup: 5 gallon nursery pot BioBizz light mix soil 45W LED grow light (20/4 light schedule)...
  8. C

    Using distilled water?

    I'm growing an AK 47 auto and I just bought distilled water at the store thinking it would be healthier for her than my tap water but there seems to be a lot of controversy over the fact. Can anyone tell me whether i should use the distilled water or continue to use my tap water? Thanks :)
  9. C

    First grow, help and advice please :)

    Hi! This is my first grow ever. I bought 3 AK 47 auto seeds and decided to start with just one. I germinated one seed successfully with paper towels and planted it 4 days ago in a 5 gallon pot with BioBizz light mix soil and I'm using a 45W LED vintage grow light. The seedling came through the...