Search results

  1. littlepuppet2002

    Pre-sexing on 18/6?

    I've been vegging now for about 2mo and sticking to a 18/6 cycle. Just recentlyI've noticed female characteristics. I've read about pre-sexing, but I'm afraid their going into full flowering mode. Now, they havn't made it past a couple calyxs with pistils. They are 2 plants with 2 different...
  2. littlepuppet2002

    can someone explain this light??

    eBay: SWITCHABLE 1,000 watt HPS MH GROW LIGHT 1000 1000w HOOD (item 180060104067 end time Feb-03-07 06:46:34 PST) Can someone explain why this reflector has (2) 6" flanges on it? I thought you only needed one to exhaust the hot air form the light. How do you go about setting this system up...
  3. littlepuppet2002

    Nirvana's Excellent Customer Service

    I recently purchased 10 white widow seeds and 10 Northern Lights from Nirvana, which I'm sure most of you are familiar with. Now, I believe I have very good germination techiniques with usually a success rate around 100%. I could not get a single one of the NL seeds to germ while sprouting 5/5...
  4. littlepuppet2002

    Seedlings are stretching!!

    I have young seedlings that are almost 2 weeks old. As you can see in the attached pics, they are stretching and are falling over. I have 4, 2ft flouros on the back wall, facing the seedlings. I had 2, 2ft flouros above the seedlings, however after only 1 hour, they shit themselves and I'm...
  5. littlepuppet2002

    expert advise on harvest needed....

    This is day 63 of flowering on a strain that requires 55-60 (super skunk). Attached you will see pics of trich developement as well as the plant pics. I'm sure the one plant is ready, however, the other looks ready, but at the top colas there are plenty of new white pistils starting. Should I...
  6. littlepuppet2002

    adjusting ph with GH

    I just picked up PH up and down form General Hydroponics and the label only says to 'use sparingly'. What have you guys generally done when adjusting your ph? Tblsn at a time? Is there any rule of thumb?
  7. littlepuppet2002

    CO2 setup

    Would this regulator be okay for a grow setup? Does anyone have any information on the proper settings for a 10'x5'x8' room with this regulator? I read the right formula is (LxWxH)X(.0012)=CFPH eBay: CO2 REGULATOR by AquaCulture (item 180039235757 end time Oct-22-06 13:01:55 PDT) What is the...
  8. littlepuppet2002

    Need A Diagnosis........

    I have a mother that just hasn't been healthy since day 1. She is now into her 15th day of flowering and here is a picture of one of her budding leaves. Am I over feeding her? Is it a temp/light burn? I had the HPS about 8 inches and backed it up to about 12 now. Any help would be cool.
  9. littlepuppet2002

    The 'bubbler'

    I was interested in using this hydroponic method on my next grow. I was curious if anyone had good information on this method.
  10. littlepuppet2002

    interesting root developement

    While pulling one of my male plants, I noticed a strange root developement and am wondering if this is good or bad. As you see in the picture the roots, seem to have run down the outside of the medium and gathered at the bottom. I'm hoping this doesn't have any negative affect on the plant...
  11. littlepuppet2002

    pruning while flowering.........

    I just want to make sure that it is ok to trim some of the useless fan leaves that are wilting right now. They have turned yellow and dried out. Everything else looks fine though. Can I clip these? I've read that you don't want to clip fan leaves just below a flowering bud.
  12. littlepuppet2002

    Droopy and Unhappy Female

    :-| I have a female that just isn't looking happy over the last 5 days or so. I just took her out of 12/12 after distinguishing sex and now I've put her back into veg. I should of took clones and from now on, I will. But if you will look at the pics you will see how she's drooping compared to...
  13. littlepuppet2002

    Is It Time to Sex?

    I've been vegging for 32 days now and my plants are about 10 inches high, with a nice set of leaves (5 or 6 nodes). Now I was thinking of isolating 2 out of the 4 plants-putting them on 12/12, to distinguish sex. Then eliminating the males, instead of wasting my time for a later result. Can I...
  14. littlepuppet2002

    Pot Color?

    I have white 5 gal. buckets and was wondering if being white will be an issue. Should I cover in mylar or spray a darken color? thanx
  15. littlepuppet2002

    Temperature Too Hot.

    I have a 400w MH inside a 4x10 grow area. My problem is that when the closet door is open temp is fine, however, when closed temp exeeds 90f. I have one small fan running right now, but wonder what else I should do or can do. I sleep in this room so leaving the door open is not an option...