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  1. DontBogart

    GreenHouse: Hawaiian Snow

    Short report on some HSnow picked at only 7 weeks (11-12 weeks recommended) "Let us pray... for the HEAD we are about to receive, we give thanks" At only 7 weeks this shit will take you places you did not know existed!bongsmilie
  2. DontBogart

    Green House White Rhino (feminized)

    Had to harvest my main cola early. (heat stress due to poor ventilation during cfl cabinet grow) Just a few words about White Rhino harvested at 7.5 wks. The rest of the plant will need another week and a half. 30% cloudy, a couple of ambers here and there. Taste: very minty, a...
  3. DontBogart

    WhiteRhino/LemonSkunk/Sativa 7wk. pics!

    Cfl & tube grow: 2-42watt 2700k 6-23watt 6500k 4-4ft. flouro tubes (vertically mounted) Fox Farm soil Fish emulsion, Schultz, Tiger Bloom. 4 1/2 weeks veg. 2wks. on...
  4. DontBogart

    "BUD PORN" Six week White Rhino/Lemon Skunk.

    I do believe I got some pretty good shots! a WR top of main cola. b Sativa bag seed... Outrageous! That bud is about the size of a hand grenade at six weeks. c White Rhino: " 22 inches of STUPID " d Lemon Skunk: Not as good a yielder as the WR, but everyone says the buzz is to...
  5. DontBogart

    Lemon Skunk / White Rhino week 5 pics

    Still doing very nicely. sucking up water and nutrients like a sponge. Wadda ya' thunk?
  6. DontBogart

    White Rhino & Lemon Skunk Pics (4 wk. flower)

    Check out my lovely girls! Wadda-ya-think! Comments and critiques welcome, Cfl grow.
  7. DontBogart

    ACIM students?

    Would be interested in some conversation with other Course students!
  8. DontBogart

    White Rhino & Lemon Skunk cfl grow

    *Green House seeds (feminized). *50% enriched organic soil, 25% sand, 25% pearlite. *Fish emulsion (veg). Schultz "Bloom Formula" (flowering) *8 42watt cfl's 6500k for veg. 4 6500k & 4 2700k plus 4 t-12 flourescent tubes for flowering. * Veg plants 4.5 weeks * Containers are approx. 2 gallon. *...
  9. DontBogart

    Molasses? Whassssup?

    Would someone tell me what adding molasses during flowering contributes to the plant. AND How much should be used?
  10. DontBogart

    Switching 6500k-2700k

    Does anyone know the optimum flower week for going completely to 2700k cfl's. I'm in week 2 now with 50/50 high and low spectrum. I've heard different ideas on the matter and some say a 50/50 mix is adequate throughout. Gimme some lovin!
  11. DontBogart

    Topping duing pre-flowering?

    Cfl grow, White Rhino, Lemon Skunk and two good bag-seed plants. Here is the problem; 1&1/2 weeks into 12/12 the bag seed plants are stretching considerably and I'm running out of room (and light) for them in my cabinet. I want to stop their vertical growth. They were both topped during veg. and...