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  1. S

    Help brand new at this!!!!

    Alright so here's the dealio i'm growin for the first time in dwc with some wonderful grape god strain and some other shit but i'm only worried about the grape god my question is why are my leaves folding up the plant looks great tho. My ph levels are at 5.75 and my nut. levels are around...
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    ok basically im in some legal trouble and need to cut down my crop a few weeks early wuts gonna happen? and should i cut the stocks or pull the plant out roots and all ?
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    Light timing question

    ok so my babies are almost 2 months old i started them off for the first month and a half 12 on 12 off then the past 2 weeks ive had them on 18 on 6 off. I'm ready to see some buds if i put them back on 12/12 will this drastically f w/ them or will they go into budding stage i really need help...
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    how much bigger will they get?

    right now my plants are about 4 weeks old and almost a foot tall how big will they be when they're budding?
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    how about those coffee grinds?

    Lets put this one to rest i've gotten multiple answers on the whole coffee grinds in the soil. I heard it was great for em and i heard they were to acidic so what is it guys?
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    This Site Is Awesome

    no problems here just wanted to say thanks to whoever created this because i have learned everything imaginable about growing here and just wanna say thanks it's hard to find good information and this forum totally saved my ass and my plants keep it real and keep it going.
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    how long is this gonna take?

    I've been growing 12/12 since seed and it's been about a month how much longer is gonna be til i get some buds
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    How high should my lights be form my plants?

    how high should they be ver my plants for maximum proficiency
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    I've got a drooping problem

    Well my plants are about 9 days old and they're drooping like crazy i raised my lights about 10" higher about 5-6 days in is that my problem? I have a fan 2 24" fluoirescents and 2 75 watt cfls they're in miracle grow in a stelath grow box am i missing something?
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    How do i post pics?

    hey guys need some help how do i do it?
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    12/12 GROW Journal first time should be interesting

    Alright this should be fun so here's the setup 8 plants, 1 dresser, 2 75w CFL's and 2 T12 plant fluorescents. I have one more CFL but i'm gonna save that when they get a little bigger. Right now they're about 2 1/2 days old i'd say at least 5" and looking great. I have 4 chronic plants and 4...
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    hey guys who has some grow journals on 12/12 from seed?

    I really need some info on growing from 12/12 i'd love to see what the output was?
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    How many luminas do i need per plant?

    how many luminas do i need per plant?
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    HOW DO I GET MAXIMUM YIELD the fastest

    I heard that after the plant gets about 6 " to 12/12 it and it will stay small and produce maximum yield i have 8 plants and i'm basically not wating to wait can i flower after a couple of weeks?
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    How do i get maximum yield but small plants

    my grow box is only 4' all and i heard you can get maximum yield if you start flowering after the plant gets 6" is this true if not how can i do this?
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    so does everyone agree w/ 17/7 during veg?

    so is everyone in agreement with 17 on 7 off during veg and how long should i veg my babies?
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    when are my seeds gonna sprout?

    i've had em in the dirt for almost 2 days when are they gonna finally sprout?
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    why won't my hps light work?

    it's a 7o watt hps light bulb and i have a 75 watt lamp clamp and it won't turn on why?
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    why whon't my hps lgiht work?

    its a 70 watt high pressure sodium light bulb and i have a 75 watt clamp lamp but it won't turn on is it the light fixture?
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    will i get threw vegging with 2 24" t8's

    will get threw vegging 6 plants with 2 24" fluorescent t8's?