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  1. P

    RO V's carbon filtered

    I've seen people mentioning it, but wanted to get some kind of numbers from the more advanced growers on who's doing it. Thanks guys!
  2. P

    EC Pens - should I spend a lot?

    I already have a pH meter that cost about $250, it was used for something else. So I have a no problems with that. I haven't been using an EC pen since following the packs dilution guide has worked out perfectly. I'm now thinking about bumping up the solution strength, but I don't want to have...
  3. P

    Which bulb do you use? Quick poll

    I'd really appreciate some help with this guys. It's not designed to be a which is better thread, I'm just wondering which you've used in the past and would be interested to know. Some of the brands are the same thing, e.g. sunmaster is a trademark of venture, so I've put them next to each...
  4. P

    Pump suggestions - 1.5 bar ish

    Really quick, could use a few suggestions for pumps. Not brand names, but uses so I know where to look. I want around 1.5 bar of pressure at low volumes (misters) and something that won't die on me with high duty use. One option is a used shower pump, but they're kind of pricey and pump way...
  5. P

    Drip irrigation - I don't like it

    This is just a heads up to those who've not tried it. I've been growing on coir and decided it'd be cool if I could just set my system up to drip through all day while the light was on. But man... those drippers are a pain in the ass to get running smoothly! I think mine are from All Season...
  6. P

    Light absorption - Lies from Sunmaster?

    I've been doing a ridiculous amount of reading around photosynthesis recently and noticed something. A lot of hydroponic sites show the following graph (or something very similar), which is from the Sunmaster website; Here is the spectrum for chlorophyll (b is similar and the carotenoids...
  7. P

    Hawaiian snow (Green Seeds)

  8. P

    Should I add NPK / Nitrozyme / Greenfuse etc

    I'm using Ionic Grow for coir and wondering if I need to bother with NPK and other things in there. I've seen Ionic do Nitrozyme, Greenfuse and loads of others do other amazing additives, but I don't want to be suckered by some advertising. I used to work for an alternative products company and...
  9. P

    Window vents for fans?

    The air temperature in my tent is around thirty with the light down low - the radiator is off in the room but it's a small room and the door has to stay closed to keep the cats out - they'll either rip the tent to shreds, sick up on it or mess it up somehow. I've decided to have my fan...
  10. P

    Should I flower now (pics)?

    Strain is Hawaiian Snow from Greenhouse Seeds - supposed a Sativa dominant. The finished plants they grew were very spindly and open with not a huge amount of leaf cover. Those wire loops are to keep them upright - at first, they were all over the place, they all fell over horizontally they were...
  11. P

    Cheap / Free automated watering

    I'm kind of new here, so excuse me you've already got this idea. Here is the most basic Hoselock automatic timer (~$50-60 / 30 UKP); Here's the pro digital version (~$80-90 / 46 UKP); Okay, go to the dump, rip the top off a washing machine and look for where the hoses come in at...
  12. P

    My 1000w HPS just died?

    I literally only just unpacked this thing and set it up. It started to light up but didn't stabilize quickly. I figured the bulb might just be burning in, so I left it for a minute to see if it'd settle out. It got worse and started flickering, the spectrum went back to blue, then yellow and...
  13. P

    Curing grow leaves / rolling

    Before I ask the question, I don't want to know about pipes, bongs, tabacco, cultural differences or how good a country's green is. It's a different topic. I've rolled with tabacoo a lot of times and don't really like doing it - nicotine, burn enhancers.... Has anyone ever cured the fan leaves...
  14. P

    Quick Q's - Aeration, Drip, Hawaiian Snow

    It's usually me answering over on the shroomery, but I'm no genius on hydroponics so now I need some help myself If you're growing something like Hawaiian Snow, it's a Sativa and it's going to climb - which is a serious issue for some. To this end, it would probably be best to use a drip...