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  1. JokerSmokerMidnightToker

    Late Plants

    Hi I grow in the northeast and my plants are just now starting to develop little buds - they seem to about 3/4 wks late. Anyone else finding this? When can I expect them to finish, or will they end up as underdeveloped? thanks for any info
  2. JokerSmokerMidnightToker

    When to start with blooming ferts?

    Hi Was wondering when to switch over from vegetative fertilzer to the blooming stuff? Do we wait for those little white hairs to appear or should it start beforehand? Also I keep reading 'pre-flowers' but have no clue what they look like? Can someone maybe post a pic of them? thanks in...
  3. JokerSmokerMidnightToker

    Should I still be topping plants this late?

    Hi It's July and plants are growing like crazy and getting fairly tall. Is it too late to be topping them? At waht point does one stop and just sit back and let them grow? Thanks for any advice
  4. JokerSmokerMidnightToker

    Is This even POSSIBLE?

    Ok, get this one. Very strange. 1st off, I am a newbie - but I can read, so I am not utterly clueless. (maybe 2/3 tho) Anyway, please tell me if this makes ANY sense? - growing indoors on an 18 hr daylight cycle - all my plants were seeds only 2 months ago, except for this one I'm asking about...
  5. JokerSmokerMidnightToker

    Grow Difficulty Ratings

    Howdy...... So many seeds/strains to pick from. One thing that has me a bit stumped are the ratings on grow difficulty. What can I expect with an 'Expert' or 'Experienced' rating? Does this mean high fail rates or rather that all components need to be dead on the money to keep any of 'em...
  6. JokerSmokerMidnightToker

    Humidity 31%

    Howdy, My plants are looking a bit shaky - kinda dry. Relative humidity is only 31% in my garden room. Any ideas on how to raise it? Thanks for any & all info.
  7. JokerSmokerMidnightToker

    Helicopters - F.L.I.R.

    Anyone live in an area where these damn helicopters are a threat? I do - I'm near the Canadian border. F.L.I.R. = Forward Looking Infrared Radar - and it keeps growers awake at night once harvest time comes cuz they're buzzing around everywhere Every year there are a few busts around here by...
  8. JokerSmokerMidnightToker

    Buying Seeds Online

    Howdy Folks A newbie here.......please don't groan. This has most likely been asked before, BUT: Is it safe to buy overseas seeds to be delievered to the good 'ol USA? Are there any tips that you're willing to share? Any companies that are recommended? Or NOT recommended? I have recently...