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  1. KolaKingNYC

    Super Skunk Auto Seedling in Bad Shape Help please

    So Im doing an hydro setup for the first time... My ladies are still seedling so I jave them under 2 (2FT) T5s HO UNTIL I move them into my cabinet with 600W MH. In rest are a little older. Why is the are the coloylodon leaves turning yellow... The new growth looks mangled as well... Is...
  2. KolaKingNYC

    Super Skunk Auto Seedling in Bad Shape Help please

    So Im doing an hydro setup for the first time... My ladies are still seedling so I jave them under 2 (2FT) T5s HO UNTIL I move them into my cabinet with 600W MH. In rest are a little older. Why is the are the coloylodon leaves turning yellow... The new growth looks mangled as well... Is...
  3. KolaKingNYC

    Super Skunk AutoFlower from ILGM

    Today I started my first indoor grow. We are germinating 5 Supet Skunk Autos from ILGM. Also got some of Bergman Gold Leaf I will run next.. Soaked seed in glass of tap water... All 5 sunk after 24hrs. Switch them to paper towel sandwich bag technique. Didnt PH check the water thought... Let...