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  1. Jolievisage

    Newbie problems

    Hi guys... Quick question. I know all plants different but, one of them are getting burned and the distance from the light is more further away then it’s suppose to be. I guess it could be heat stress. Could I take those leaves off? And will they grow again OR idk. Help me Please im new :cry...
  2. Jolievisage

    Seedling question

    So I have 2 seeds growing indoors. White widow. And one is growing straight and the other is kind of leaning. May not be nothing but I’m a newbie so ya. Ohhh and the one leaning was the one that had some brown on the root. I guess the question is, should I be worried?
  3. Jolievisage

    Germination issues

    Hey guys.. So i germinated two “white widow” seeds. They seem to have been fine. I left them for two nights cause it wasn’t long enough to plant. I come back this morning and it’s long... but where the seed is, it’s brown and the rest of the root is white. I made sure it was moistened before...