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  1. Noname85

    Please help

    Okay, thanks for the help.
  2. Noname85

    Please help

    what do you mean by gentle kelp flush? I’ve never used it but I have seen some kelp fertilizer from fox farm at my local store.
  3. Noname85

    Please help

    Hey guys, my plants are about 6 weeks from seedlings and I’ve tried to stay away with liquid nutes and go with a “super soil” to try something different, I topped and did some low stress training on auto seeds from Mephisto just to experiment. I’ve noticed I was getting alil Nute burn prob from...
  4. Noname85

    Happy frog fruit & flower 4-9-3

    Yeah, i was trying to go all organic and mixed my own so called super soil, plants did good in it but started seeing some of the new growth with yellow tips but no clawing and I’ve always had issues with pK deficiencies. Some of the stems have a hint of purple and the newer leaves are kinda...
  5. Noname85

    Happy frog fruit & flower 4-9-3

    Hi guys, I’m growing some autos from Mephisto and they are in their 5th week from when they sprouted. I was wondering if it would be okay to use happy frog fertilizer 4-9-3. I usually use fox farm liquid but I’m trying to go organic not to use any liquid fertilizers and see how they come out...
  6. Noname85

    Post Your Frostiest Autoflower Bud Pics

    Sorry for the late response but I got about 1.50z dry.
  7. Noname85

    Is this potassium deficiency?

    Thank for everyone’s advice. Plants are doing better now. Johndee was right about the lock out from k deficiency. I flushed them and fed them nutes couple weeks later and raised the lights to 22” and started to see a lot of new white hairs.
  8. Noname85

    Is this potassium deficiency?

    Ocean forest fox farm
  9. Noname85

    Is this potassium deficiency?

    Thanks for your reply, my bud thabks for your guys reply, I believe it’s 4 weeks into flowering and I will raise my light because it’s around 18” right now. At first it was the bottom leaves that started dying off. They would turn yellow and brown and shrivel up, I thought that was normal since...
  10. Noname85

    Is this potassium deficiency?

    Besides the nute burn I have notice these brown spots appearing on the edges of the plant? How do I fix this?
  11. Noname85

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    I didn’t realize that, thanks for the info
  12. Noname85

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Agreed, I’m using fox farm forest soil. Also I’ve been reading that autoflowers don’t need to be fed a lot of nutrients since they grow so fast but I was just trying to give it enough nutirents and feed the plants to make the buds bigger. I will back off next time and not give it anything with a...
  13. Noname85

    Post Your Frostiest Autoflower Bud Pics

    Critical purple from growers choice seeds.
  14. Noname85

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    I’ve been using fox farm tiger bloom, grow big, and big bloom. I mixed 1/2 a tsp of each except for the big bloom I use 1tsp and mix it in a 3gallon container. The ph is about 6.5 after mixing and I only feed all three during veg and I cut the grow big once I see the white hairs. I only fed that...
  15. Noname85

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Awesome thanks. Do they look ready to you or should I wait. I prob know the answer just can’t wait to cut them down lol
  16. Noname85

    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    I didn’t realize it until I turned my plant around and started noticing some brown/copper color on my leafs, it only seems to be on two leafs.I backed off on the nutes awhile ago and flushed it and I don’t think it’s light burn. I’m not sure, but then again I am new at this. Also can anyone tell...
  17. Noname85

    Critical purple

    Yes, here’s a pic of mine currently growing.
  18. Noname85

    How many more weeks?

    Hey guys, I sprouted these auto flowers back in Nov 11th. They should be ready in three months I believe. Does it look like this middle purple is about two weeks out Oreo I just need to wait. The hairs are starting to turn brown but I’m hopping it swells up more.
  19. Noname85

    First Auto Grow (Girl Scout Cookie)

    Thank u sir
  20. Noname85

    First Auto Grow (Girl Scout Cookie)

    where did you buy your seeds from?