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  1. S

    how do you contoll you munchie's

    hahahah i usually do the exact same thing ha im not fat or anything just every night bout 2-3 bongs then eat anything and everything in sight... then i get so full i dont want to move and just pass out and popcorn.. its not that bad and theres lots of it so it seems like you eat a lot
  2. S

    The Munchies (or lack there of)...

    ya haha when im smoking i pretty much think about what im bout to go munch out on and how good its gonna be
  3. S

    This blows

    hahaha everyones like saying completely opposite things
  4. S

    Solar Vape

    I've thought about trying it but I usually end up forgetting... I'm really about to tomorrow though if its nice out, let ya know how it goes