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    The Urinator are correct...not terminal...chronic. Most find mountain people weird. I am new to forums and figuring all this out. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
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    Kick Ass Brownie Recipe

    Are edibles available for purchase on line anywhere??
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    The Urinator

    Not sure what shilling is...but I only do what I think is right. Made my money yrs ago...very interested in edibles...would love recipes. Where is ignore button??
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    The Urinator

    At least he was polite to me...unlike someone else
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    The Urinator

    Thank you...but I guess before one jumps...they should watch first. I was just spreading info about what I knew worked for me...didn't know I would press a nerve. BTW...mountain herb is amazing....especially from the Appalachian Mountains. Please have patience with new members...some of us are...
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    The Urinator

    Thank you...first couple of responses almost turned me off...seem like they need a Big Bud. But after the angry seems to be getting better. Reading a lot of great info. Thank you for being welcoming instead of someone that thinks they know everything and are the appointed
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    The Urinator

    Thank you...I am trying to learn where to go on line for my needs. As you can see, I joined here trying to gather and share info...and was instantly attacked. Common courtesy seems to have vanished with my generation...the 2 that jumped me initially seem to be in the business and felt the need...
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    The Urinator

    ROFLMAO....I live in the Bible belt. No legal way of purchasing where I am. And the use of is still looked at as criminal. As an older would be considered a "bad" person. Use is very private around here.
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    The Urinator retired..but still have health screens for insurance...a little old to be seen in a head
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    The Urinator

    Never heard of it...who sells it? Wait...don't'll be accused of promoting
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    The Urinator

    Guessing New Members are not welcome here...I'll spread the word not to bother with this site. You will be attacked by the older ones
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    The Urinator

    Like I said...just discovered this site...not familiar with how it works. No referral link...whatever the F_ _k that is. Dude...burn seem to need it. BTW...I am retired...
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    The Urinator

    No...sorry. Just found this site and as an older person, was just trying to share some wisdom. You seem rather offended by a general post...guessing you are the one that is "in the business"
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    The Urinator

    Hey everyone...anyone needing to pass a urine test... The URINATOR is the only way to go. Have used it for several years and have been 100% successful every time. It has kept me in the working world for 20 yrs. Not even one problem in any way. Just passing on some wisdom....