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  1. stonedoutcam

    new season new seeds

    I highly recommend sensibleseeds, quick shipping and quality is awesome
  2. stonedoutcam

    new season new seeds

  3. stonedoutcam

    Laugh with the world and love and be free

    Laugh with the world and love and be free
  4. stonedoutcam

    Been 6 'years since i was on here last .Since then 8 states and D.C have legalized recreational...

    Been 6 'years since i was on here last .Since then 8 states and D.C have legalized recreational marijuana
  5. stonedoutcam

    Durban poison!!!

    It is the cold that changed it !!either way it was nice bud :) i did this grow 3 years ago cant wait to have this years !! take some pics of that stem
  6. stonedoutcam

    where are your post ?????????????????????? lets see these 7 foot dp

    where are your post ?????????????????????? lets see these 7 foot dp
  7. stonedoutcam

    Durban poison!!!

    i dont see you posting anythig ! :D and its a hybrid my friend i think your a lil mixed up so peace!!!!!!!!!
  8. stonedoutcam

    Durban poison!!!

    yea started it in late fall! never had a few lil extras?
  9. stonedoutcam

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    sorry to hear that man , family is more important then showin off your buds completely understandable , i wish u thebest of luck and hope you feel better soon !!!!
  10. stonedoutcam

    Outdoor Bag Seed 2011!!!

    Had to emergency harvestthis palnt today when it had like 2-3 weeks left ill ahve more details and pics in a day or 2
  11. stonedoutcam

    Outdoor Bagseed 2011

    yea dude thats good , the pink hairs look just like mine i actually have 1 plant with purple bud and pink hairs looks just like yours last year , You lady now is doing awesome still looks great and im excited for harvest time :) for the both of us lol , ill start a thread on my lil ones...
  12. stonedoutcam

    Outdoor Bagseed 2011

    that sucks man looking good so far thoguh , be bac kwith better comment later lol
  13. stonedoutcam

    MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

    holly shit dude thats awesome icant wait to see dry weight and all the other plants dude i love those purple buds they look so tasty and fruity
  14. stonedoutcam

    Outdoor Bagseed 2011

    Remember Live Long Love Life and be free!!!!
  15. stonedoutcam

    Outdoor Bagseed 2011

    nice ive done shrooms countless times , im a fan of blotter white blotter is usually weak around here and if you had to take 3 hits thats no fun was that the case? i could be wrong i dont know exactly what tabs you had but alot of white weak tabs went around everywhere,, blue avatar...
  16. stonedoutcam

    First Grow

    yes sir it is !!!! when are you going to have pic updates im excited to see your lil plants get thick with flowers !!!!! i cant weight to see final weight
  17. stonedoutcam

    First Grow

    as long as the buds are waving back n forth in the room its fine , and direct usually works to but i dont do direct my friend does and his buds have no smell to them untill you grind it up it kids takes away from the nice taste (my opinion ) but yea aslong as u can feel the breeze acroos...
  18. stonedoutcam

    Outdoor Bagseed 2011

    haha wtf rain water is the best you just fdont want constant water in/on your buds due to rot , and if they didnt like rain what would the point of even being a palnt be lol u know what im saying lol.... but yea i grow shrooms from brf cakes and shrooms bags im actually gonna start a thread...
  19. stonedoutcam

    Outdoor Bagseed 2011

    lol why would i be mad im a chill stoner dude if i let thing on the internet piss me off what would be the point of going on it lol i learn and supply knowledge i just have never heard this befor and it confuses me casue i have had small seeds big seeds both sativas very brown and...
  20. stonedoutcam

    Outdoor Bagseed 2011

    all this from a dude who said my plants are trash lol ......and idk my sativa seeds from dope-seeds were the same size as most my bag seeds and i have hundreds of all sorts of bag seeds from over the past year around 2-300 from friends im not gonna argue about seeds lol just i havent ever...