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  1. skunkmaster6967

    My Seeds Germinated in 3days....Will they die if i Let them Stay for 4-5 more days?

    You should get those seedlings in some soil as soon as possible. If the seed's radicle (beginning root) is exposed to too much moisture for a prolonged period of time it will most likely succumb to some root rot or mold of some kind which in best case scenario will grow a somewhat unhealthy...
  2. skunkmaster6967

    Help a Noob Grower Out Please

    Actually it probably wouldn't be the best idea but it doesn't hurt to try. Many farmers spray their fields with herbicides that would most likely kill your seedlings. I would suggest finding a small patch of prairie grass or a wooded area to plant your seedlings. Since it will most likely not be...
  3. skunkmaster6967

    sexing early and clones?

    You can most certainly put your plants back into veg after you sex them. Thats actually one of the best ways to go about it so your not taking up valuable grow space just to find out later down the road that half of them are males. After you put them in veg clone them to fill the rest of your...
  4. skunkmaster6967

    Research Chemicals

    Personally I love L.S.A! It's great to do once in awhile especially while on a camping trip. I like it cause it gives you a great body buzz and it's natural. You can digest it by eating Morning Glory seeds or Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. If your going to get Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds make...
  5. skunkmaster6967

    Some kinda mushroom... (Cubensis cake/poor mans terrarium)

    I also just started a few rye grain cakes with a Brazilian strain. I was super worried about contamination so I did everything by the book. Using sterile technique is the way to go. Nobody wants to eat bad mushrooms that will put you in a coma or worse cause death! Better safe then sorry...
  6. skunkmaster6967

    help me all grower please!!

    I'm in the process of developing a cross between an old g-13 clone I acquired and a northern lights x Big bud male if that helps at all. However I'm not sure how well it's going to turn out.
  7. skunkmaster6967

    starting indoors?

    Just make sure the pot you keep them in is not too small. Last season dumb me kept my plants in too small of pots for too long of a period before I put them outside. This resulted in their roots becoming bound and the plants were dwarfed severely reducing the overall yield greatly. The bigger...
  8. skunkmaster6967


    You can transplant from soil to hydroponics. I've never tried it but I'm sure it works just fine. Follow the directions found on this link.... Creative Hydroponics Happy Smoking...
  9. skunkmaster6967

    Plant Tissue Culture

    I actually am a Biology major and Plant tissue culture is not worth the effort or time. Building or buying a sterile flow hood in my opinion is not worth it. You also have to buy the cytokinin or auxin to put the leaf tissue in. It's more of something you do for fun unless you plan on...
  10. skunkmaster6967

    Question - help! :)!

    You have to remember however it's not just the amount of lumens that help your buds grow thicker. Florescent lighting contains a large spectrum of light that is for the most part non essential for the flowering stage of growth. If I were you I would save up some money and buy a HPS fixture. The...
  11. skunkmaster6967

    Going to grow in my closet with White Rhino Stran

    I grew a few White Rhino plants in my 2'x3' ebb and flow kit within a small closet. They seem to sprawl out quickly so just make sure you keep up on your trimming so they don't get out of hand. You don't want a canopy of leaves that will be blocking light from the lower nodes. I got my seeds...
  12. skunkmaster6967

    All Females

    My guess is that you had good luck. Lower PH levels are said to induce more females then males but even if you master the PH level you will usually still end up with some males. I would plant another batch with the same conditions as you did with this one and see if you get the same results. I...
  13. skunkmaster6967

    cross breed "skunk,berry"

    Well first off cannabis is a dioecious plant which means there is a male plant which produces pollen and a female that produces flowers. To ensure that the pollen from the male plant pollinates and fertilizes the female flower I would rub a Q-tip on the male stamen and cover it with the yellow...
  14. skunkmaster6967

    Changing Bulbs

    Thanks for the advice. Do you have any opinion on bulbs with higher lumen's? Do you think It would be worth it to pay more money for these bulbs? Oh and by the way I love you too.
  15. skunkmaster6967

    Help With Some Wet Product

    The only advice I could give you would be to take your time curing the bud. Harsh smoke comes from bud that still contains large amounts of chlorophyll. This is the result of trying to dry wet bud too quickly and not giving it sufficient time to cure. Also avoid using heat to cure the bud, good...
  16. skunkmaster6967

    Changing Bulbs

    I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on how long a HPS bulb should be used for until it gets swapped out for a new bulb. The bulb still looks bright but obviously the light intensity reduces over time. I was also wondering if anybody had an opinion on 50,000 lumen bulbs compared to...
  17. skunkmaster6967

    Liquid vs. Dry Nutrients

    I was wondering if anybody could give me some input on some good nutrients to use for hydroponic applications. I have used the Pro-blend liquid nutrients in the past and I'm ready to switch it up and try some dry nutrients instead. Also any suggestions on good bloom boosters would be helpful as...