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  1. O


    Its only smell lika cannbis it was on many Leafs around the plant, but only on one plant of 12 to. I going to take more photos and check more carefully tomorrow
  2. O


    Its the same texturer as shit to, its on every fan leaf and bud to..
  3. O


    Hello wondering if this is mould or what can it be?
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    Outdoor grow

    Today i checked up on my girls and the spots have stopped and they look really good :) I gave them cal/mag and it worked. Thanks for the help!! But the new growth its little red, and light anybody now why? Do they ned more mag?
  5. O

    Outdoor grow

    No not at all, i am glad for every opinion i can get, I gave them chicken shit a couple days ago so they Will get it with next rain and have ordered som calmag too, i will test neem oil too so i got everything covered:):grin: thank you
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    Outdoor grow

    Maybe, my plants should start flowering soon, so that could b, whats the easiest way to give them that outdoor:)??
  7. O

    Outdoor grow

    Hello have launched my first outdoor grow And everything going really good, vigorus growth and no problems untill now, yellow spots have appeared on my fan leaves and i dont now what it is:?, do any one now whats going on?