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  1. M

    possible 12/12 interruption?

    Wow thanks for all the info guys! I am using the FF Tiger Bloom. Don't think it has excess Nitrogen. Maybe I just screwed up the amount. Any recommendations for flowering nutrients? I am growing in FF Ocean Forest. Gonna try to save the plants but who knows at this point. Using an Electric Sky...
  2. M

    possible 12/12 interruption?

    I don't think so but maybe some light has been getting in. I am going to do a real check over the tent tonight and see if any light has opened up into the tent. If they are revenging can they be saved by a strict dark 12/12 schedule or should I junk them and start over? I tend to go easy on the...
  3. M

    possible 12/12 interruption?

    Haha would be the first time but I just have the feeling something isn't right. Plants all seem healthy but there hasn't really been any flowering progress in weeks. Trichomes seem to disappear and the buds are below the big fan leaves. Here are a few pics..
  4. M

    possible 12/12 interruption?

    So I am 6 week into flowering and for the first few weeks things were going great. Now 6 weeks in things haven't progressed much. The buds have basically stopped growing and the big fan leaves are pointed up and above the tops of the buds. Also some leaves near the tops buds are kind of glossy...
  5. M

    Pick a light for my tent please

    OK cool I will give the SF2000 a try. Thanks for the replies!
  6. M

    Pick a light for my tent please

    I need a light for my 2x4x5 tent. Have it narrowed down to -Mars Hydro TSL 2000 -Spider Farmer SF2000 -Electric Sky ES180 Will splurge for the ES but if I can save some money by going with either of the first 2 the would be great. I am growing 3 plants in soil in 3 gallon fabric pots. Thanks!
  7. M

    help choosing QB kit

    Thanks for all the info guys! I think I am going to go with the 260xl. Just seems like the easiest solution for a new grower like me! I definitely think a bigger tent is in my future tho.
  8. M

    help choosing QB kit

    Thats great thanks! As a rule would I want to dial the 320 back a bit in that size tent? Maybe run fully open at first but as the plants grow closer to the light then dial it back?
  9. M

    help choosing QB kit

    New to growing. Have 4 plants about 4 weeks along in a 2x4x5 tent. Need help to decide between the HLG QB 260 kit and the 320 kit. Is the 260 enough to flower that tent well or should I step up and get the 320? Thanks!