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  1. ninefingers

    Weird shaped buds

    Here is the same plant that auto split its main stem: I did go a bit brutal on the training so not too surprised if they fascination is stress induced. First indoor grow in a long time. Very interested to see if the cuttings from this plant auto split as well. Genetics are fascinating (pun...
  2. ninefingers

    Weird shaped buds

    Thank you for the answers people. This plant has always been weird, the main stem split itself into two when it was about 3 weeks old, looking forward to some mutated smoke! I will be very vigilant for bud rot. Interested to see how this plant progresses.
  3. ninefingers

    Weird shaped buds

    Hello, not exactly a problem per-say, I have these weird semi circular shaped buds growing on one plant in my little grow space. One side of the grow space is an old wall mirror, it is to reflect light back across the grow but I'm wondering if it is too intense and causing the buds to grow...
  4. ninefingers

    Shrivelled/curling leaves and buds

    Eased these ladies out with the pitch fork and soaked them in a mycorrcin & seaweed formula while I mixed up a compost, vermiculite and pumice soil mix. They took it quite well, one week later and the new growth is looking much better. :weed:
  5. ninefingers

    Shrivelled/curling leaves and buds

    Thank you for your insight. The plants were planted out in a hurry when I had to go away for work for awhile, so drainage wasn't thought of, not that I would've had time to do anything about it, very limited to the location for the plants outdoors too. I think I might take the risk and lift...
  6. ninefingers

    Shrivelled/curling leaves and buds

    OK thanks, yes the original soil is very tight fine clay and sticky, I've been improving it all over the place (took me 3 or 4 years to get my vegetable patch humming) that was originally why I popped them in a raised bed, but it is only 200mm high though so I suppose the roots have gone down...
  7. ninefingers

    Shrivelled/curling leaves and buds

    :lol: I obviously didn't look that hard! Rollitup kept popping up so here I am. Checked the pH of the clayey soil underneath the mound the two are planted into, looks like it is around pH 6, possibly a bit low? I have done another thorough spray for the mites and vine hoppers, no neem oil in...
  8. ninefingers

    Shrivelled/curling leaves and buds

    Hello, this in my third grow but first in a few years and first outdoor, I used to post a bit on the old overgrow forum but seems that is no longer with us. I have 3 plants, 3 months old they don't get all day sun as they are hidden a little. They've all been fed intermittently with seaweed...