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  1. norcalhotness

    My First Hempy Bucket Grow! ScrOG TONS OF PICS!!!

    So today I grabbed a few bagseeds, and popped them into a wet paper towel, into a plastic bag, and then I set it on top of my cable modem. (Keeps it nice and warm - about 75 degrees) In the meantime, I have set up my small closet veg. grow room. I am using 8 23w Greenlite bulbs. I...
  2. norcalhotness

    My First Hempy Bucket Grow! ScrOG TONS OF PICS!!!

    These are the items I'm planning on ultimately purchasing for the grow. They are all linked to the cheapest source that I could find, and I am very open to suggesstions on my selections: I am going to use a grow tent for the flowering stage of my grow. The tent will likely be a $170 Homebox L...
  3. norcalhotness

    My First Hempy Bucket Grow! ScrOG TONS OF PICS!!!

    Hey everyone, I've been lurking around for a while, and I think I'm ready to start my own grow! I am currently a grad student in norcal, and I have a medicinal license, but everything stated beyond in this thread is, of course, ficticious. Being a student, I have relatively limited...