So I’ve checked them this morning and only my freebie seed of auto Kush has a tiny sprout, any ideas what to do with the others and when should I give the auto Kush a water? Baring in mind that the soil has still got moisture
So since posting I have managed to acquire some Westland new horizon soil and some perlite and some fish, blood and bone feed. I’m hoping it’ll be enough, I’ve germ’d them this morning straight into pots with mixed up perlite and new horizon and John innes seeding soil and gave them a good water...
Don’t really have the funds, just got given a couple bits and am going to do my best with what I have lol, my problem is nutrients I only have miracle grow all purpose and tomatorite any good?
Update: I got some coco coir to add with or should I just use the coco?
Sweet thanks bro, I’m gonna be using dr Ray seeds and pyramid 1x dr ak auto and 1x white widow, but starting with basic Westland multi purpose compost with added John innes
Hey everyone, complete noob here except for spending the last couple weeks reading up I’ve never actually grown before so have little idea what to expect as it’s all going to be Guerilla grown, need some helpful tips, 2 seeds 1 dr ak auto and 1 white widow auto both pyramid seeds