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    help with plant leaves (with picture)

    My nute solution gets the PH to the correct level, but the PH doesn't always stay optimal. The PH adjust you get at the fish shop will work just fine, but so does vinegar and lemon juice...vinegar is the cheapest, but it doesn't smell so great. You should check the PH before you water, and check...
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    Go to your local garden center and buy some fungicide. I found the white fungus among us growing on my rockwool cubes one day, mixed up a spray bottle of fungicide, more mold! It was gone in less than an hour. I had "Daconil" fungicide concentrate on hand that I bought at Walmart...
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    I'm using 4ft flourecents for flowering, and they seem to be working just fine.
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    help with plant leaves (with picture)

    Looks and sounds to me like your PH is too high. Keep your PH around 5.5, or follow the suggestion of the manufacturer of the nutes you are using. High PH will prevent your plants from being able to take up certain nutes, and overdose on others, and shows itself as nute burn...and that's what...