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  1. petani


    Another way on how to get the max photo output out of LED arrays is simply to pulse them at high frequencies, say using a 100MHz square wave with 1/10 duty cycle... If you read data sheets of LEDs, max current which gives maximum light output is only obtained when you pulse them. At these speeds...
  2. petani

    Forced Germ?

    This is a great thread... Ive never had germinating problems before, but im facing it now... maybe due to where i am now (on the equator) during the monsoon and trying to germ sativa at this low temp (24C, thats like freezing here)... Gonna give em sativas a crack... by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR
  3. petani


    hopefully this is the last post in this thread for 2008... dont post anymore, I wana be the last to post here this year... you can be the first to post next year...