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  1. smilingsmoker

    *400w MH/HPS White Rhino,Big Bud,Sativa Spirit,Bagseed**

    In the small space you have, it will be very difficult to keep it cool enough...maybe impossible. I'd go with a CFL (coily flourecent substitute) and LED combo. They both produce very little heat and can both be placed very close to your plants (within inches) without any harm. This allows...
  2. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    alright guys...i think its time for a bit larger big??? any tips for transplanting...right now i have them in peat pots which claim to allow roots to grow through them when transplanted into larger pots...will this work or should i take them out? also how much water do they...
  3. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    yes...definately familiar with the PH testing...Just didn't know if there was a special fix particular to the plant...I'll pick up the PH Down with nitric acid and let you all know...
  4. smilingsmoker

    Just starting... if the Ph is not good...what then?
  5. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    fair enough...we'll cross that bridge when the time comes for nutes...haven't started any yet...little guys are at about 4-5 inches...with the miracle grow soil do I need additional nutes...the bag claims to "feed plants for 3 months"...what do you think??
  6. smilingsmoker

    Smoke alone or with friends?

    I smoke whenever I want to...just hangin' out bout' to play some guitar....roll a joint...about to go to class for the day...smoke a quick bowl...I enjoy smoking alone and going places where no one knows I'm baked...I laugh like hell inside when I'm stoned and surrounded by sober people. I like...
  7. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    hmm...fair enough...I dont have the capabilities for a 12 fact about 4 feet is all I've accomodated for...I was hoping to keep them kind of compact...what to do?
  8. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    ahh yes...another thing....I wish to keep these plants inside for the rest of their existence...what steps need to be taken in order to allow this??? how tall will they be?? can I manage their height and size and still get good buds? do I want to do that?? any thoughts?
  9. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    Perhaps I should've mentioned earlier...I have my plants in a miracle grow soil mixture right now...It's a Potting mix which claims to feed plants up to three months with a 21-7-14 NPK ratio...good, bad, indifferent??? At any rate the little guys are at about 3 inches each...look like little...
  10. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    Alright skunks, you must kids' budget...I cant afford $80!! I looked for both voodoo juice and the sensi grow onine and it looks like I could afford one of the two...which one would be more beneficial...are there other cheaper alternatives to the one I don't end up buying? let...
  11. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    can't wait...thanks for everything guys...I'm on my way
  12. smilingsmoker

    Just starting... I guess Ill go with the HPS bulbs in order to eliminate having to buy a couple sets of the at home depot or what? also...i think that i want to keep my plants indoors permanantly...pros? cons? advice...let me know, and thank you all so...
  13. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    sorry guys but I have no idea what "nutes" for buying this blue it a light which is blue literally? where can I buy such a light...the ebay light grow light? sorry guys...pottheads and trying to learn this new (more technical than I thought) skill just aren't...
  14. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    hey all, thanks for the advice...I realize that a lot is said in the FAQ's but its easier to get specific answers here I think.... A bit of an update is in order, I've got two plants going right now, seeds had about a 3/8 inch roots each and i planted them in small cups and placed them in the...
  15. smilingsmoker

    Just starting...

    so, I've read that it's easiest/smartest to try growing on a bag seed rather than buying something expensive. I've got 5 seeds to germinate in damp paper towel and now I'm looking for the next step...when do I put them in a pot? How big of a pot? whats any easy growing area set up...lamps...