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  1. MarijuanaGuides

    Cannabis Strain Finder - Sort 3,000 strains by flavor, effect and yield/duration

    This has been updated with a variety of new strains! Welcoming feedback
  2. MarijuanaGuides

    Complimentary Foods

    That's what I get for thinking too hard on the appropriate term. :clap: So do you guys just make a meal entirely out of cannabis-infused food, or do you make a typical snack to go with it?
  3. MarijuanaGuides

    Cannabis Strain Finder - Sort 3,000 strains by flavor, effect and yield/duration

    Hey mate, Thanks for pointing this out! You're right it's not very visible - only apparent as a small link, and again on the homepage. Will look to make that more prominent. Thanks for the mention here. In the interim, you could access the page directly here...
  4. MarijuanaGuides

    Nanners.. how long do I have?

    Looks like you have a male here.. I'm not sure there is a whole lot you can do as far as salvaging product that can be smoked. As others have said, you might as well take this opportunity to collect some pollen!
  5. MarijuanaGuides

    Cannabis Strain Finder - Sort 3,000 strains by flavor, effect and yield/duration

    Hmm, Thanks for this notice! Afraid that we were unable to reproduce this.. Average load for the past day has been 756ms per page load. Hopefully it was just a fluke!
  6. MarijuanaGuides

    Cannabis Strain Finder - Sort 3,000 strains by flavor, effect and yield/duration

    Hey Rollitup! Our platform is still in the early stages, but we wanted to share with you our Cannabis Strain Finder tool. It allows you to sort our entire strain library of over 3,000 strains of marijuana, to find the perfect strain for you. You can sort strains by: Flavors Medicinal...
  7. MarijuanaGuides

    What Are You Listening To?

    The new NF album!
  8. MarijuanaGuides

    Home Based Cannabis Farming – Get Paid 3.000$ For Growing Cannabis at Home

    Really cool idea - but they must be expecting you to be producing quite a bit, at those recommended payment frequencies. Looking forward to seeing how this one evolves, thanks for sharing!
  9. MarijuanaGuides

    Positioning lights help please

    I have a similar two-light setup in most of my tents. Placing them high up and center has generated the best results, both in practice and based on both lumens and par meter. With one plant, though, you might get more light reflected and a better spread by spacing them out a little bit...
  10. MarijuanaGuides

    looking for best electronic P.h. tester

    We have been getting daily usage out of the EcoTestr pH1. I understand it is not as cheap as some other models available, but it's been reliable, even after being dropped into the mixing bucket a few times. Oops.
  11. MarijuanaGuides

    Clean out spider mites before next grow

    Make sure to clean your light, too. Unscrewing the casing, if needbe. Good luck!
  12. MarijuanaGuides

    Complimentary Foods

    When you are following along with a recipe, I imagine people are also making other things along side it. What goes good with your cannafood??
  13. MarijuanaGuides

    DIY grow box

    Hmm. Quite a small area. I would look at the space bucket concept, and maybe take your own spin on it. Good luck! Post pictures of the results??
  14. MarijuanaGuides

    Best tasting pheno or strain?

    Pink Phantom! A toxic relative to pink kush :clap:
  15. MarijuanaGuides

    What strain gave your biggest yield of dank?

    White widow, from Royal Queen Seeds has been stealing the show for our garden. Potency and flavor are only slightly above average here, but the ease of growing and yield are great!
  16. MarijuanaGuides

    Protien shakes for plant food?

    Whey is pretty expensive, even in bulk. I don't imagine it would have a great odor, after awhile, either. I don't think I would try this... But, uh... for science?
  17. MarijuanaGuides

    Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?

    Spent too long trying to identify a possible connection between scrog net and nitrogen toxicity bongsmilie
  18. MarijuanaGuides


    Getting an LSD auto freebie is definitely a score. Thanks for this one!
  19. MarijuanaGuides


    Hey! We're posting an obligational introduction, since our account was just created. Hope to chat with you on the forum!