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  1. NugDragon

    What is happening to my leaves?

    8liter fabric pots. The humidity is indeed high, but we have had some very humid weather these last few weeks. I usually have my waterings dialed in by now, I have a good feel with the weight, the color and texture of the coco, and how the leaves are standing for when its time to water. It's not...
  2. NugDragon

    What is happening to my leaves?

    I will run into fungus gnat issues if my coco is always this wet. I've had bad issues with this in the past in the same setup here. The plants have reacted far greater after less often waterings. I don't wait until its entirely dry, but I have my waterings dialed in pretty good by now, and have...
  3. NugDragon

    What is happening to my leaves?

    In what way? If I water more often, I'll get (and have had) fungus gnats. Had some problems watering too often.
  4. NugDragon

    What is happening to my leaves?

    I'm wondering why it is getting worse and spreading to other leaves now, though. I figured giving 2mg of calmag per liter was pleeenty enough to correct a deficiency, as well as significantly raising my PH.
  5. NugDragon

    What is happening to my leaves?

    Why isn't basically doubling the amount of recommended calcium and boosting the PH higher to 6.3-6.4 working at all then?
  6. NugDragon

    What is happening to my leaves?

    Probably more than 15 inches, actually. I've grown in this tent for a good 6 or 7 runs and never had an issue with light burn yet.
  7. NugDragon

    What is happening to my leaves?

    Ok, I only took pics on the leaves on top that were affected. The middle and lower leaves look great and have no marks at all. Just the ones near the top of the colas.
  8. NugDragon

    What is happening to my leaves?

    I have 4 plants from fastbuds in total: 1 Green Crack Auto 1 Lemon Pie Auto 2 Gorilla Cookies Auto In the beginning about 3 weeks into flower, a few of the top larger fan leaves on the lemon pie cola closest to the light started to get some rusty spots. After researching, I thought it was rust...
  9. NugDragon

    WTF is this?

    Ok, what does it have to do with the odd coloring on the leaves, though? Do you know what it is?
  10. NugDragon

    WTF is this?

    I am growing 3 Jack Herer autos, and 1 phenotype grew out twice as tall as the others and is unfortunately only a few inches from my 600w LED because I can't raise my grow light any higher in my 180cm tall tent. I am in week #12, and everything has been fine concerning the distance from my...