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  1. M

    Auto Early miss

    Can someone tell me what this problem may be. My auto Miss look like they be dying sad looking and once I water them a few hours of light they perk up.lately a in the last week and a half they stay looking like this even after I water them. Well they perk up then go back to this. I water only...
  2. M

    3wks in first feeding

    Hey today is the third wk of my White widow and I fed them half of whatever the feeding table suggested. I was wondering how do you tell it's time to increase the dosage? Also I have a grow tent and out the blue my temp shoots to 88/90. I don't have a ac is there a for sure way to get the temp...
  3. M

    First feed

    Kopy I'ma newbie as lk.
  4. M

    First feed

    Ok so start as if it's wk 1 gotcha!! Also I should use half of recommended dosage as well? These auto flowers
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    First feed

    Ok thanks....start off as if it's wk 1 gotcha!!! This auto flowers so I also should feed half of recommended dosage correct?
  6. M

    Growing auto flowers first time

    Growing auto flowers first time
  7. M

    First feed

    Hey I'm growing auto flowers for the first time. And my plants are at 2 wks now. I'm using happy frog soil mix and floramicro nutes. I'm going to start feeding them on the 3 Rd wk. Question is when I do feed them what week do I start on the feeding schedule wk 1 or wk 3? If this makes any since.
  8. M


    Hey I'm growing auto flowers and it's been 2 wks and they looking gd. I haven't fed them anything yet, I was going to start on the 3rd wk. Question is I'm using flogro and what wk do I follow on the feeding schedule on the bottle. Wk 1 or wk 3. If this makes since to anyone.
  9. M

    I need a name of a good led light under 200$ for a 4x4 closet. Please help me out lol.

    I need a name of a good led light under 200$ for a 4x4 closet. Please help me out lol.
  10. M

    Whats a good light led wise to use for about 4 plants in a 4x4 under 200$? In process of...

    Whats a good light led wise to use for about 4 plants in a 4x4 under 200$? In process of building setup
  11. M

    Ok but is it true i dont have to add any nutes? If so when do u usually start adding em? I dont...

    Ok but is it true i dont have to add any nutes? If so when do u usually start adding em? I dont want to wait till my plants sick to start givin it nutes.
  12. M

    I bought it already just wantrd to know if anyone else heard of it. Got it off do i...

    I bought it already just wantrd to know if anyone else heard of it. Got it off do i post pics? I wanna show u.
  13. M

    Need sum info on this fox farm ocean soil. Im using it but heard dont add nutes. So when do i...

    Need sum info on this fox farm ocean soil. Im using it but heard dont add nutes. So when do i add nutes? A whole growth no nutes really?
  14. M

    Anyone know about greengo 1200w led? Wanna know if it's good and how many plants can one do for...

    Anyone know about greengo 1200w led? Wanna know if it's good and how many plants can one do for a 4x4 closet.
  15. M

    In week 3 plants lookin good. Only problem room to damn hot 90 to 100 sometimes. No window cant...

    In week 3 plants lookin good. Only problem room to damn hot 90 to 100 sometimes. No window cant add a air vent any other creative ways?
  16. M

    Hey im growing in 4x4 closet no window and cant cut holes n etc. Is there anotha way to keep my...

    Hey im growing in 4x4 closet no window and cant cut holes n etc. Is there anotha way to keep my room kool without a air vent?