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  1. R

    How long does it take for the bud to start growing?

    12/12is the light cycle. whene in veg the plant has a full or nearly constant light supply. then whene u want buds u cut the lights to 12 hrs. of light and 12hrs of darkness. go to the newbie forum, itll teach ya everything ya need ta know. :joint:
  2. R

    10-60-10 for flowering???

    yea, i got the same stuff. so what should i mix up with it . and how often should i feed??????
  3. R

    possible greenhouse build. I have a few ?'s

    alright, so im thinking about a small greenhouse. but...... i need a idea on how to hide whats in it with the babys still getting the sun they need. any ideas???:bigjoint:
  4. R

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    i got a serious question. someone i knows plant has started to loose leaves within a couple days. then it started to get limp. theres like two seta of leavs left!:o
  5. R

    Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?

    shut the fuck up retards. y r u bitching lol
  6. R

    18 or 24 hour 4 veg ?

    :weed: i useD 24/7 ,with cfls . and my plants a beast!!!!! im perfectly happy with my results. lol:weed: ---------------- this is all fake, only for education . lol
  7. R

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    k . so first in the wild plants get pissed on all the time, and natural weed is some of the best secondly- by the time you move on to budding and u have your final product there wont be any piss in the plant and you only use pee in the veg. stage peace out bros : )
  8. R

    Dank Nugs Indoor Grow Journal

    so how r ur plants clearing up? if its not the lights it could still be nute burn. just reduce it to 1/4th the formula. any one else will tell u the same thing. i like ur room, its cheap, and its efficent nice man, good luch with them budzzzzzz!!!!! : p
  9. R

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    nice . its big enough for sativa, thats the way to do it!!! haha
  10. R


    wene growing. pee in ur water a good mix is 75% water 25% pee for your veg. state. then use milk for buding or the flowering stage. because it has a lot of phosphorus (what bud eats to grow big and potent) : ) i would just pour a 1/4 cup in every other watering. peace out
  11. R

    Cannabis Seeds In United States

    i need to buy single seeds and have em delivered to the u.s. anyone know of a good site??
  12. R

    AK 47x Juicy Fruit

    if i had the space to do this i would . . . . but thats not the case :|
  13. R

    Cfl Grow - Pictures Pictures Please

    its probably gonna be a sweet book for beginers . like just because cfls are fairly cheap. and arent half bad
  14. R

    Pictures 6 weeks into flower

    yeah. im from the north ,so we have tractor and supplys up here. and they actualy have standart hid lights. and lamp holders. its sick man. im gonna set mine up for my next grow with two high watt cfls and one 125 hid . but due to lack of space im gonna have to bud as soon as my plants hit 13"...
  15. R

    How many weeks to flower?

    so. ive never heard of mollassis* in to the plant. does it contain phos. or somthing???