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  1. W

    Cannabutter or RSO

    That explains your ignorance, youre too busy being right as opposed to learning. Im done here buddy.
  2. W

    Cannabutter or RSO

    No it seems like youre talking out of your ass, got called out on it, and now trying to make it seem like the other guy is crazy. DWC and Kratky are similar but fundamentally different, like RSO and QWISO. Its okay if youre not knowledgable on the subject, just dont spread mis-information.
  3. W

    The More I Grow The Less I Harvest

    Id pinch off useless budsites as i see them. By week 6 flowering if the buds look like they wont be turning into anything significant ill pull off all the tiny bud sites as well and toss the immature buds in my trim pile.
  4. W

    Looks like I’ll be chopping..

    Its only a week to 10 daya early max before harvest season wraps up anyways. Not a huge loss.
  5. W

    Stuck with 2qps of really bad reggie

    That weed looks terrible, looks like my dog ate a bud and shat it back out. Sorry to see you got stuck with it.
  6. W

    Edibles without decarb

    This is the best way by far. The main benefits of decarbing if youre going to cook with it anyways is that you will get rid of alot of chlorophyll/green taste. Decarbed bud is brown because theres none or very little left, leaving for a superior end product wether baking or cooking with it...
  7. W

    Week 8 tric’s cloudy 20%amber, but still throwing out tons of white pistols. Chop em or wait?

    Youll know when its too cold for your plant, shell show you with her damaged leaves that dont rebound in the day. Better to harvest the day affer a frost than weeks early.
  8. W

    Week 8 tric’s cloudy 20%amber, but still throwing out tons of white pistols. Chop em or wait?

    Thats nowhere close to done. Your nairs arent even white, theyre still green.
  9. W

    Have to harvest indica early what will the effect be?

    This is 100 percent garbage. Nice try though.
  10. W

    The More I Grow The Less I Harvest

    My unwanted buds gets silkscreened for kief. Easier to smoke than hash. If im feeling lazy ill do an ISO extract. Its not ideal but theres very little work to be done with that method. I would crush all my trimmings and unwanted buds, toss in a big jar, dump 99% iso in and shake for a couple of...
  11. W

    The odd seed

    They could be hemp-pollinated seeds as well depending how far you live from a hemp field.
  12. W

    The More I Grow The Less I Harvest

    I was at that point my first harvest, second plant. All the larf and small buds just arent worth the effort trimming. I prune pretty heavily now trim them before they finish.
  13. W

    Cloudy or still clear

    Youre not close.
  14. W

    Greater Toronto Area growers 2019

    Anyone still got their plants going? I have an Indica flowering for 10 weeks now with no signs of amber.
  15. W

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    Is that budrot forming in the second picture?
  16. W

    Has anyone seen this before?

    If you a plant needs 12/12 lighting to flower and will re-veg at 18/6, you don’t have an autoflower there bud. I agree though to try 12/12 to see if it’ll help it finish (could have more indica/sativa than ruderalis). OP, it looks like you have a seed with bad genetics. 17 weeks from seed...
  17. W

    Southern Ontario Growers

    Nice! What was your final yield with a 5gal pot?
  18. W

    Auto fizzle

    Sowing them straight into their final containers work, but I like to do pot-in-pot transplanting method for autos. No shock form tansplanting and no delay from a seed starting in a large container.
  19. W

    Outdoor/indoor **helpp**

    Some people flush for 2 weeks, some 1 week, and some don’t flush. Flushing is not an exact science, it’s debatable if it does anything at all. My point is, don’t get too caught up in if you give it an extra feeding or 2 or miss a day or 2 of flushing. Plenty of other things to worry about when...
  20. W

    What scissors are you all using?

    Been using a pair of hair cutting scissors that is no good for cutting hair anymore. Really light on the hands and extremely sharp.