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  1. W

    Early seedling problem

    Update: after a day the one plant that has gotten past my seedling issue had the top set of leaves start to taco and the other 3 small ones looked about the same. so moved light back to 22” and after a second day the leaves that started to taco have not gotten any worse but the most exciting...
  2. W

    Early seedling problem

    Only the one has gotten past the second set of true leaves but I’m planning on transplanting it soon if it keeps growing at a healthy rate. Edit: the second post with a set of pics is the life span of the only plant to recover from the issue I seem to be having.
  3. W

    Early seedling problem

    I’ve been keeping a very close watch on soil moisture I water just a little when the soil is dry at least 1/2 inch down, I actually had one seedling fall over for half a day because it was under watered.
  4. W

    Early seedling problem

    I’ll lower them to 18” and keep updating the progress. My hopes was to do a continuous grow, right now my set up is is a 3X3X6 tent with one of the sunrise lights for veg and a 4X4X7 tent with a second sunrise light for flowering (if I can ever make it there).
  5. W

    Early seedling problem

    As for the 158 on Amazon and me saying 185, I’m going by the manual that came with it, same for the distances and space I’ve been going off what the manual recommends.
  6. W

    Early seedling problem

    Actual watts are 185 but equivalent of 1000 watt HSP.
  7. W

    Early seedling problem

    It’s a 3X3 tent but moving to a 4X4 tent for flowering. Also the light is a 1000W HSP equivalent and is supposed to be good for a 3X3 to 4X4 space. I have 1 plant that is a month old that seemed to survive this in the same space and other then showing signs of deficiency this last week it’s been...
  8. W

    Early seedling problem

    I keep having what looks like the same problem with seedlings as soon as they sprout. The leaves curl down and get dark green and shiny, and then turn yellow from the tips in and eventually die. They are germinated by soaking in water for 12 to 24 hours and then placed in a damp paper towel for...
  9. W

    Week old seedling stem looks damaged but has not been physically damaged please help

    I believe I’ve solved the problem, I carefully removed and opened the peat pellet to discover root rot. The pellet was too dense and moist. I’ve carefully replanted both seedlings in the pots surrounded by a small amount of dryer soil, maybe I’ll get lucky and 1 or both might survive. I still...
  10. W

    Week old seedling stem looks damaged but has not been physically damaged please help

    It’s a cheap Walmart soil with noting added that I’ve used once before with no issues but has been started in a cheap peat pellet I’ve not used before. As far as damping off it was removed from humidity dome after 24hrs from breaking soil and put in 4” pot with said soil. The last seedling did...
  11. W

    Week old seedling stem looks damaged but has not been physically damaged please help

    I have a week old seedling that started showing some yellowing in the first set of true leaves and I’ve noticed the stem looks damaged but I have been very careful to not damaged it so I don’t know what is causing the symptoms. It is an indoor soil grow and has had only pHed water twice. It was...