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  1. Dizzy87

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Yay!!! I love pink Roses. Thank you Lokie :)
  2. Dizzy87

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Hi ever one just thought I would show some love on here to you guys. I hope you all have a good day. :hug: ~Toni~
  3. Dizzy87

    Hi :)

    Yea its really cool on RIU. I like here! Thanks guys :)
  4. Dizzy87

    Classic games

    Nice lol 007 Goldeneye is amazing I love playing Multiplayer with my husband an also the one player levels. Whats your favorite part of the game?
  5. Dizzy87

    Classic games

    Anybody on here still got love for & play the older games like for N64 & such? To me those are my favorites. Me an my husband play a lot of them still. Rn we on Turok 2-Seeds of Evil lol very difficult game for me tho. We just got through finishing Zelda-Ocarina of Time as well. ~Toni~
  6. Dizzy87

    Happy Birthday Annie!!

    Im new here but happy Belated Birthday Annie I hope you it wasa great time an you have many more!!! ~Toni~
  7. Dizzy87

    Hi :)

    Thank you Brett I appreciate it very much.
  8. Dizzy87

    Hi :)

    Thank you guys :)
  9. Dizzy87

    Hi :)

    I just randomly decide to join here today because I been on other weed forums an I hear about this place a lot so I thought I would check it it. For those who don't know me my real name is Tonika but most call me Dizzy. I am a mother of 3 (soon to be 4) an I have been smoking weed since I was...