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  1. R

    Very healthy plant, but WTF is with this leaf ?

    Yeah its kinda next to a fence. It looks burnt to me. Im wondering if an animal pissed on it.
  2. R

    Very healthy plant, but WTF is with this leaf ?

    Hey and thanks for reading. Pics tell the story. Rest of the plant/crop very healthy but this one leaf. Outdoors in soil. Either Skunk or Headwreck (Mixed them up a bit). We had a 43 degree (Cels, In Australia) day on Friday but I moved it for the most part. No pests, leaf is connected to the...
  3. R

    Can you smoke the leaf

    Yep equivalent to a weeks wages in today's dollar. Hehe combat - two H shaped sprites shooting dots at each other.
  4. R

    Can you smoke the leaf

    Whilst I wasnt quite a hippy yet, I was Smokin by the late 70s. we used to buy 'A Stick" for $15. Basically a small branch about 3 inches long with an airy bud surrounded by leaf and shit. There was only sinsemilla and budah. No Autos or hybrids. Shit worked though. We,d Smoke up and hit the Atari.
  5. R

    Can you smoke the leaf

    Old post I know, but thats fucking gold. I had totally forgot about buds like these. Thanx for the memories.
  6. R

    Is Eucalyptus mulch ok for top dressing in pots? Gonna be stinking hot here in the next few days so grabing some mulch.

    Yeah they sure did, Never seen leaves that erect. Had to move 'em though. nasty northerly was blowing them over.- completely horizontal at times. saved 'em all though. Hottest day theyve seen. We just had rain for 2 weeks with temps like 14 C. friggin Melbourne weather.
  7. R

    Is Eucalyptus mulch ok for top dressing in pots? Gonna be stinking hot here in the next few days so grabing some mulch.

    Cheers. Use it lots around the garden, but heard cedar is bad for Cana plants and wondered about Eucy. Sure does smell nice. We have Eucy trees in our yard that make the air fresh and sweet. Earthy with tones of honey mint. Koalas love 'em. Went ahead and spread it on the pots. Put a layer of...
  8. R

    Is Eucalyptus mulch ok for top dressing in pots? Gonna be stinking hot here in the next few days so grabing some mulch.

    May be one for the fellow Oz growers. not sure if its used abroad. Gonna be stinking hot here in the next few days so grabbing some mulch. Cheers.
  9. R

    Mods please delete this. looked but cant find a way. Can only "edit" it.

    Edited. Sorry, but I cant find a way to delete this thread.
  10. R

    Thanks for having me. Ive a query regarding growing Autos outside. Especially if you grow autos outside in Australia southern climate.

    Yeah cheers. Gonna keep it simple for the first grow. Aparently these nutes handle the PH for you. I'll still keep an eye on it. I'd imagine monitoring PH is like mowing the lawn at a new house. Its all great fun at first, but the novelty wears off.
  11. R

    Thanks for having me. Ive a query regarding growing Autos outside. Especially if you grow autos outside in Australia southern climate.

    Thanks alot Toad. really apreciate the advice from a seasoned grower. I hear ya'. Tried growing Autos outdoors and theyre all runts. looking forward to throwing the LED up and starting the Autos properly, inside. Again - cheers for the help.
  12. R

    Thanks for having me. Ive a query regarding growing Autos outside. Especially if you grow autos outside in Australia southern climate.

    Haha I just spent most of the day light proofing an old closet. Wasted a day, Im only putting autos in it. Hava a Vipaspectra 300 in the mail (im new to this). 2 autos in a closet is plenty for me and using Advanced Nutrients 3 pack gizmo kit.(I know some here hate 'em and some love 'em) Im not...
  13. R

    Thanks for having me. Ive a query regarding growing Autos outside. Especially if you grow autos outside in Australia southern climate.

    Champion, weed-whacker. Appreciate the advice. Yeheheah, never forget the Seasol. Always have a bottle handy. Have to fence off the plants though, dogs dig the seasol as much as plants dig the seasol. Ive actually got a handful of norms going outside. Mixture of coco, castings perlite and...
  14. R

    Thanks for having me. Ive a query regarding growing Autos outside. Especially if you grow autos outside in Australia southern climate.

    Decided to go coco with nutes. A lot of step by step guides around so I'll give it a crack. My backs buggered too. 30 years of Roof Tiling then driving trucks took its toll, hence the self medicating
  15. R

    cheap fan

    Thanks, that looks interesting. Will check it out as well.
  16. R

    cheap fan

    yeah cheers. ended up grabing 6 space blankets for 7bucks. lol- one did the job.
  17. R

    Fan with 2 red wires. (Au) Anyone know if I can join them to a plug.

    Anyone know if I can connect a wall plug to this fan, and if so, how? Got no satisfaction from Google. Yeah I know, my bad,- you get what you pay for, but in my defense the wires were hidden in all the pics and no mention in the add that it hasn't got a plug. I can return it, but if its just a...
  18. R

    cheap fan

    1.3x2.1 meter roll for $ 3.80 AU. Seems too cheap to be the real deal. Anyone know much about this stuff? Way cheaper than anywhere else I could find in Oz...
  19. R

    Thanks for having me. Ive a query regarding growing Autos outside. Especially if you grow autos outside in Australia southern climate.

    Cheers Navanman. Thinking of worm castings. 1/3 normal soil, 1/3 castings, 1/3 peat or coco, in 5 gallon grow bags with a light feed of chook manure tea and seasol. Where do you grab the Kiss if you dont mind me asking?