Search results

  1. S

    Any Recommended Online Shops?

    you are limited no doubt...
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    Time To Harvest The Monster

    thats almost as big as my cock
  3. S

    cheapest seed bank for auto flowering plants

    nirvana is always good
  4. S

    Intro !!!

    youre not very good at advertising...
  5. S

    Goodbye!! [well everybody says "hello" -.- ]

    i like pina coladas...
  6. S

    New Guy

    whats up bro enjoy your stay here
  7. S

    Hey People

    you came to the right place!
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    Best to all...

    lets start of the new year on a high note
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    welcome welcome welcome
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    some pics of the garden

    you had me all excited...
  11. S

    High guys

    id have to agree...lots of useful info
  12. S

    Hi all!!! New grower, showin off

    looks yummy
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    Ello all

    blaze on brotha
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    Dea, Police,Fed

    fuck the po-lice, fuck the po-lice, FUCK EM!
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    Whats up guys!

    what up nigga
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    Jack Herer going rate????

    350 usd is the rate round' these here parts
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    Can i harvest half my plant that broke?

    cut your losses man
  18. S

    MYGIRLS --greenhouse for 2009~~GETTEN READY

    all set to go over here