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  1. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    Thanks for the great feedback, I will implement this feeding regimen right away.
  2. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    Thanks. Just to be clear, I only watered them with plain water once after transplanting, and only because I thought they had nutrient burn and thus followed the advice of an article to flush with plain water. Obviously this was not the correct approach, so lesson learned there. I have a bottle...
  3. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    They seem to be doing much better, thanks. I haven’t had a chance to read the pH meter manual and get it calibrated (on the schedule for today) so I’ve still been using the GH indicator solution. I’ve added just a smidge more of the pH Down after mixing the nutrients into my water, so I’m...
  4. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    Thanks for sharing your grow journal, those autos look great! I will definitely stick with coco until I can get it right (hopefully I can turn around this first grow). I have some Seedsman auto kush, so after this grow I'll give those a go. Also, I ordered an Apera pH meter today, so I'm...
  5. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    Thanks. Next time I do solos I will leave them in longer.
  6. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    I appreciate this info, thank you. I read up on buffering and cation exchange and it makes perfect sense. I will get that pH lowered and continue to supplement with cal mag.
  7. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    Hey man, if I had this figured out I wouldn’t be in Newbie Central looking for help. You seemed to imply that I was pulling the 6.5 pH for coco out of my ass so I provided where I found that info, that’s all. I’m here to learn from my mistakes, not argue about something I know very little about...
  8. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    I will look into the calmag issues. FYI, 6.5 is just my high-end guesstimate since I'm using the color chart on a General Hydroponics indicator solution bottle, so it may be a bit lower but it's in the yellow range. Guess I need a pH pen. Also, while cocoforcannabis recommends a max pH of 6.3...
  9. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    They were under a T5 bulb.
  10. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    Sure did, on this forum, the site you linked, and growweedeasy. The problem is that they all differ in the information they provide so it’s a bit of a guessing game and then ending up here seeking additional guidance.
  11. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    Coco, sorry I forgot to mention that.
  12. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    Tap. Average TDM of 134 ppm and EC of 282 us/cm after adjusting pH.
  13. BubbaBiscuit

    Plants drooping/browning 5 days post transplant

    I transplanted from solo cups to 1 gallon fabric pots on 12/22. I also moved the plants into their grow tent under a 315 CMH with a fan blowing over them. The next day I had some brown spots on the first set of leaves, which I attributed to nutrient burn since I think I gave them too much...
  14. BubbaBiscuit

    Should I transplant these early?

    Thanks, I will leave them alone and drop the light a bit more. Got it and will do, thank you.
  15. BubbaBiscuit

    Should I transplant these early?

    These girls are almost two weeks old from planting. They are in Jiffy pellets in coco medium. I made a lighting mistake early and they stretched. They’ve been growing slower than expected but they are growing. There were a couple roots growing out the bottoms of the cups but I air pruned them...
  16. BubbaBiscuit

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    Thanks so much for the feedback, will do as you suggested.
  17. BubbaBiscuit

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    These just broke the surface yesterday, is the one on the right stretching too much already? There is a T8 light about 2 inches above its current height.
  18. BubbaBiscuit

    Welcome New Members!

    I have indeed, thanks! That site has been invaluable.
  19. BubbaBiscuit

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi there. New member, new grower. Currently planning my first grow using a 3x3 tent w/ CMH vertical. Just poking around and doing my due diligence while I build a shopping list. Great info here, looking forward to getting started.