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  1. I

    Gnats everywhere

    Yea, Einstein Oil seems to me the best Neem there is. Also, it's the best for spider mites.
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    Gnats everywhere

    This is the key. Gnats love water. Keep the top of your pots relatively dry, and your problem will disappear. Growing in soil this might be a challenge unless you change the way you water. Your lower roots are the feeders, and the upper system needs oxygen. Keeping the upper part of your...
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    Gnats everywhere

    Wow, I never thought of that, a cup of beer works for slugs too the same way.......baits them in and they drown. Good one Baz!
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    Emergency 911

    Yea, the watering 24/7 is usually used when you are using like the little hard clay balls, or other fairly non-absorbant medium. In that situation, there is plenty of o2 since there is space between each piece of medium. 1800 PPM (parts per million) or less (I like to stay between 1000 and...
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    Gnats everywhere

    Cut back a little on your water. I use a hydro system, but even in soil, too much moisture on top will make the gnats thrive. I inserted my feed tubes about 1/3 of the way down the pots, leaving the top couple of inches virtually dry, and the gnat problem vanished like a virgin on prom night.
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    Mites in my soil, but not on my plant? should i be concerned?

    You need to be careful about going into your room after being in the woods, doing yard work, keep the "hitchhikers" to a minimum.
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    Emergency 911

    Hi Mans.....just thought I'd chime in here, it looks like what I went through in the beginning too.:wall: i would say just offhand that your suspicion about too much water might be as close as anything to the issue here. First of all, If you're using a hydro system, you will be using an inert...
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    obama's job cost 250K per job

    Incidentally, my last post (reply) was for Bigjesse1922 and his reply to Max420thc.
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    obama's job cost 250K per job

    Interesting reply. Maybe before YOU lambaste someone else for having an opinion, you should first study history a little yourself. First of all, WWII would not have happened if not for US and British intervention in WWI. That war should have and WOULD have ended in 1917 with all opposing...
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    hot shot pest strips Pest Control

    I read what you wrote about your experience with Hot Shots, and I was wondering how many you used for how big of a room. I recently had a mite problem and bought a bunch (6) of those things, and never recovered completely over a 5 week period. I caught them early too. I was able to keep them...