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    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Happy New year to you as well. I didn't do anything special. I have a areo of some blueberry that is at 14 weeks 12/12. The tops just keep flowering and getting fat. But last night i noticed some color on some of the lower buds. So i took the first 2. I'm going to try and post some pictures with...
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    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Your very welcome bro. I'm glad to help. That pirate was quite a character wasn't he ? And his set up was one of kind, I've never seen anything even close to that set up. And his post is right on, I've never seen anyone go into detail like he did. His areos are cool by having the lids inside of...
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    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Hey diggs99. Dude I think you are worrying to much about your res. temps. You're be fine. I'm glad you decided not to go sterile. You will be fine with hydrogaurd. Plus you don't have to use that much. When I was using it, i only used like 2 tsp per 5 gal so it goes a long way. Plus going this...
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    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Hey what's up diggs99? Looks like your getting some good advice. I've been super busy. Slacking on my grows. But everything is cool. Anyway there is a great post on another app. This dude was the man. This dude's post will answer everything you want to know. This dude's post is why I grow with...
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    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Hey diggs99. I don't have time to do a journal. I would throw up some pictures for you, but my PC crashed last week and i haven't had time to screw with it. I'm on my phone right now. As for your res. i don't know what size i use, but this might help. When I first start a grow it only takes me 7...
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    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Oh I just saw your last post. What I did was. I bought 4, 100 watt solar panels and everything else that was needed. It cost me about 600 bucks. But it solved that.
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    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Hey what's up diggs99. Glad to see someone trying LPA. I have been growing with LPA for the last six years and will never go back to anything else. As per my user name ASSOG. AreoSystemSeaOfGreen. I grow in the sea of green. When I first started i tried every tub or toot (whatever) out there...