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  1. a2lute

    any thoughts on Toms tumble trimmer?

    Well I've never done that... how long do you let it run for? and do you add dry ice to the tumbler? If so how much?
  2. a2lute

    any thoughts on Toms tumble trimmer?

    Kind of a necropost but I'm gonna chime in with some real world data. I used a homemade tumbler after seeing my buddies 1600 Tom's tumbler. I used it for years until I picked up a cheap used 1900 model. 1) Yes, it does knock more kief off than hand trimming. Not an extreme amount, and it all...
  3. a2lute

    Dialing in my aero cloner

    Hmm, my clones typically take 2-3 weeks to get roots, but I have no heater, is it that big of a difference? Maybe I should grab a small aquarium heater.
  4. a2lute

    Ideal PH Target range

    Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. it will be much easier on you. And Popop is correct, you will not be removing the ions (Ca and Mg usually) that cause hardness. But as long as you get the PH right when you are watering, your plants will actually use these as micro nutrients. You...
  5. a2lute

    Ideal PH Target range

    You should be able to find a used pickle drum or something on FB or CL for 20-60 bucks. That's as fancy as you need to get. And yeah, you should use some more stable nutes, but so what if you don't? Your problem you stated was PH swinging wildly with tiny amounts of up and down. you could just...
  6. a2lute

    Ideal PH Target range

    coffee tasted funny. but there's a few things you can do to make this easier on yourself. Get a 30 or 55 gallon resealable barrel to store your water in. Controlling the PH in a larger body of water is MUCH easier. You will notice gradual slow changes instead of massive swings. A nice RO unit...
  7. a2lute

    Can it be saved?

    I have never seen a grow bag that looked so much like a trash bag...are there any holes on the bottom?
  8. a2lute

    First time SOG, how'd I do? (Outdoor)

    I think he meant screen of green, I think I see some large netting there :D
  9. a2lute

    week 11 buds not fattening up what do you guys think?

    So your saying 11 weeks from seed, that doesn't seem too long. That being said, I've never grown an auto. Those don't LOOK ripe, but best way to check is a jewlers loupe or a microscope. Unfortunatly Autos are known for having lesser yields than photos.
  10. a2lute

    week 11 buds not fattening up what do you guys think?

    Uh, is it an auto or photo?
  11. a2lute


    1) start your own thread for your issue 2) I really don't see a problem with the dew. Just means the air outside the room is cold enough to collect dew on the tent walls. happens to my incoming ducts a lot 3) a humidifier is not a bad purchase for a grow, if it's sized appropriately
  12. a2lute

    Anybody ever use Rain Rings?

    Pressure compensating drip emitters make sure the flow is equal on all your outlet points, assuming you use the same brand & model on each outlet point. I may try adding these rings AFTER the drip emitter. Currently mine outlet a small stream, would be nice to spread it out and reduce runoff.
  13. a2lute

    Spider mites 4 weeks till harvest smh

    Post pictures of your girls leaves, especially the ones down low. Spider mites tend to start eating at the lower leaves first and work upwards. They also leave distinct marks on the plants. And to answer your other question, yes you need to deep clean your flower room, and you need to make...
  14. a2lute

    THREE a LIGHT book?

    My dad always said you don't get rich digging for gold, you get rich selling shovels.
  15. a2lute

    Spider mites 4 weeks till harvest smh

    Citric acid spray (lost coast plant therapy) works VERY well. Key is to spray UPWARDS, as most of the mites live on the bottom of the leaves. If you have webbing on the buds also spray top down. I did it every day when the lights come on, as this gives the dehumidifier more time to work. I...
  16. a2lute

    Power Bill

    electric heat is brutally expensive. My old tiny tiny heater drew more power than my 1000w HID. I now use a natural gas CO2 generator for heat & CO2.
  17. a2lute

    Power Bill

    Off peak pricing saves me SOOOO much. I have a temp & humidity controlled room though so IDGAF what the outside is like until summer heat overruns my AC :D If you've got your own place I highly suggest installing climate control.
  18. a2lute

    spider mites

    No, but I have used a Stihl SR450 with great success.
  19. a2lute

    What do they need

    Nute burn doesn't go away on the old growth, so watering extra won't help fix that. Just worry about the new growth. Try cutting your feed in half or 3/4. Unless you use RO water and an EC meter it's hard to determine a qualitative amount of feed. Get the feed right and the plant happy BEFORE...
  20. a2lute

    spider mites

    I just had to deal with these a$$holes on a friends grow, pyrethin based products NUKE them in veg, but in flower you're probably not gonna get rid of them, just keep them knocked back. I used Lost Coat Plant Therapy, it's a store bought bottle of citric acid, alcohol, soy oil and a few other...