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  1. PurpleGlurple

    Root aphids??

    ALSO CHECK THE ROOTS, if a bunch are in their. ROOT APHIDS. They suck. Hard Core pesticides and clone if you want to save the strain
  2. PurpleGlurple

    Root aphids??

    Look like root aphids to me. Those are the worst... worse than mites indoors. The way you know they are root aphids for sure, you will see low growth from the plant and shoots near the bottom with wither up and die
  3. PurpleGlurple

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Hard to respect people who think salve labor will solve all problems
  4. PurpleGlurple

    What has Trump done to this country?

    What? the Draft that you dodged and went to Canada for? Loser
  5. PurpleGlurple

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Boomer Logic "Maybe Slave labor from China will save our country..."
  6. PurpleGlurple

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Blame the Boomer generation for letting the country slip. They were too busy doing drugs and getting free money to protect their children's future. All boomers would rather eat pills and drink then take care of their health...……. baby boomers.. the lost generation Oh and look! Trumps a Boomer...
  7. PurpleGlurple

    Soothe my seedling stress

    I cannot stress enough... use seed start mix to start seeds. (Jiffy Seed Start) @ home depot
  8. PurpleGlurple

    First time in coco coir

    They look good. By the photos it looks like you just watered which would make the leaves droop. I haven't seen too many people on here with plants that look similar to mine. Yours are the first. Keep it up and you'll pull off my avatar. I use tap water and still use cal mag fyi
  9. PurpleGlurple

    Somebody cut a bunch off my plants

    Bring them back inside under a light 24 on/ 0 off. Water with extremely light nutrients
  10. PurpleGlurple

    PH Adjustments in soil

    Technically speaking the PH should be a stable 7 since youre adding dolomite lime to the medium. Im kind of a PH Nazi and have found many variations to why PH changes. Even Sunlight and oxygen change PH's daily. The best way to test actual plant PH is top water your plant with Ph'd water...
  11. PurpleGlurple

    Can you recycle coir if its been used with organics?

    Yeah if its organic medium you can use it until it turns to compost and disappears. Most people say the Coco is better 2nd time around because of how it breaks down which I agree with. Ive heard Coco only being good for 4-5 runs but I disagree and could see it being used much longer.
  12. PurpleGlurple

    Smelliest strain?

    The worse the plant smells the better the high is for some reason
  13. PurpleGlurple

    Smelliest strain?

    You wouldn't say that after smoking a bowl
  14. PurpleGlurple

    Smelliest strain?

    Skunk, Gas, Dog Shit and Cat Piss smells are traits you want in your plants. Lots of people prefer the gas
  15. PurpleGlurple

    Got 1 pound of shake deal and there’s big white rocks in it what is that ??

    They would probably get higher smoking those 2 pieces of perlite then the schwagg
  16. PurpleGlurple

    Got 1 pound of shake deal and there’s big white rocks in it what is that ??

    What? That little piece of perlite mixed in with the schwagg, I mean shake
  17. PurpleGlurple

    Buffering solution coco, and the following flush. Need input.

    I run coco and have for the last 10-15 years. Always PH the water to around 5.9-6.4 whether flushing or feeding. For CALMAG. After you add your regular Coco nutrients add 25-30ml per 5 gal of water every feeding
  18. PurpleGlurple

    Thoughts or comments on my first plant.. any comments welcome..

    I have done some pollen chucking. Male Pollen doesn't spread as far in the wind as you think. Maybe a bee could do some damage after landing on a male and flying over to a female but its not as bad as people lead it to believe. I had a male 100ft away from 4 females. The male was behind a wall...
  19. PurpleGlurple

    Feminized pollen sacks not filling with pollen

    Looks like your doing fine to me